Issue - meetings

Response to Petition for Double Glazing

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Services (Item 15)

15 Petition relating to the provision of double glazed windows pdf icon PDF 87 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of the petition received relating to the provision of double glazed windows and provides an update on the current provision.




  1. That the Executive Member notes the information in the report .


  1. That the Executive Member considered the petition and requested a future review be considered following the HRA (Housing Revenue Account) Business Plan review.


Reason:  To ensure that a strategic planned approach is taken to reviewing the HRA Business Plan and stock investment decisions


The Executive Member considered a report that advised him of a petition received relating to the provision of double glazed windows and provided an update on the current provision.


The officer gave an update and informed the Executive Member that the petition  had  been presented at Council on 3rd December 2009 with 133 signatories requesting that council owned homes in the Monkton Road area be fitted with energy efficient double glazed windows. He stated that under the Decent Homes Standard the key building component regarding windows was the window frame and not the type of glazing. The windows in the homes in Monkton Road area were not the only ones that had not met the criteria for replacement, approximately 1900 homes do not have double glazing.  The cost to replace all windows would be approximately £5.7m.


The Executive Member considered the petition and noted that the Housing Revenue Account would be depleted if all 1900 homes were offered double glazing. He suggested officers revisit this once the outcome of the government Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Subsidy Review and the review of the HRA Business Plan was complete. 1





  1. That the Executive Member notes the information in the report .


  1. That the Executive Member considered the petition and requested a future review be considered following the HRA (Housing Revenue Account) Business Plan review.


Reason:  To ensure that a strategic planned approach is taken to reviewing the HRA Business Plan and stock investment decisions


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