Issue - meetings

University Swimming Pool

Meeting: 06/10/2009 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 89)

89 Swimming Facilities pdf icon PDF 107 KB

This report responds to a motion approval by Council on 9 July 2009 asking the Executive Member for Leisure, Culture & Social Inclusion to bring to the Council meeting in October a report addressing a range of issues in relation to swimming facilities in York.


Note:  Copies of the above report have also been circulated to Members of Council who do not receive a printed copy of the Executive agenda.  Those Members who are in receipt of the Executive agenda are kindly requested to keep their copy for use at the Council meeting on 15 October.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:            That the Executive agrees to:

·                    Continue its commitment to the partnership with the University of York to deliver a publicly accessible competition standard pool on the new campus;

·                    Ask officers to continue to work with the University to develop a funding plan for the University pool;

·                    Continue to plan for a future city centre pool beyond 2015 by developing an affordable delivery model.


REASON:                  To meet the city’s identified need for swimming facilities.           


[See also under Part B Minutes]


Members considered a report which had been prepared in response to a motion approved by Council on 9 July 2009 and addressed a range of issues in relation to swimming facilities in York


The Council’s current swimming facilities strategy had been confirmed in October 2007, following an analysis of supply and demand for swimming facilities in York.  Since then; Yearsley pool had been extensively refurbished and modernised, a new community swimming pool had been constructed at Oaklands (due to open in early December), free swimming had been introduced for the under 16s and over 60s, and the University Pool Steering Group had drawn up plans for a 25m competition standard pool on the new University campus, to be delivered in partnership with the Council. 


With regard to the specific points in the Council motion, it was reported that:

  • The work of the Steering Group had been completed and implementation of its final report now rested with the University;
  • A completion date of 2011 for the University pool was contingent upon the business plan delivering financial balance;
  • The £4m funding gap for the pool remained, and the University and the Council had begun a review to evaluate potential funding arrangements;
  • The provision of a competition standard pool in the city centre was not a realistic option, as there was no site available, it was not affordable and it would compete directly with the pool that the University were required to build under the s106 planning agreement.
  • A city centre pool could more realistically be seen as a longer term option, to provide the additional swimming capacity needed beyond 2015.


Having noted the comments of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED:            That the Executive agrees to:

·                    Continue its commitment to the partnership with the University of York to deliver a publicly accessible competition standard pool on the new campus;

·                    Ask officers to continue to work with the University to develop a funding plan for the University pool;

·                    Continue to plan for a future city centre pool beyond 2015 by developing an affordable delivery model.


REASON:                  To meet the city’s identified need for swimming facilities.          


Note: The above decisions have now been altered following re-consideration of the above item at a meeting of the Executive (Calling In) on 27 October 2009.  For details, click on the link below:


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