Issue - meetings

Carbon Management Programme - Update

Meeting: 03/03/2009 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 194)

194 Carbon Management Programme – Strategy and Implementation Plan Update pdf icon PDF 73 KB

This reports provides an update on the Carbon Management Programme (CMP), outlining completed projects, future projects to be implemented and the forthcoming Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC).

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: (i)         That the good progress made to date be noted.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that a full progress report, with forecasted potential carbon savings over the remaining four years, project plan and timetables for implementation, will be supplied to the Executive once a full year of energy data is available, and that it be requested that this report should also include proposals for addressing energy conservation / reduced carbon emissions in the City Council’s housing stock and in its transportation activities.


                        (iii)       That the creation of a CRC internal officer group, which will investigate CRC and create a proposal for managing it by October 2009, be noted.


REASON:      So that Members are fully aware of the co-ordinated approach that City of York Council is taking, and will continue to take, in order to manage carbon emissions from Council activities and to ensure that the Council is prepared for CRC when it is implemented in 2010, and that the 2013 target is met on time.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the Carbon Management Programme (CMP) and the forthcoming Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC).


A copy of the Carbon Management Programme Strategy and Implementation Plan (CMP SIP), approved by the Executive in April 2008, was attached as Annex A to the report.  This required the Council to save approximately 5,800 tonnes of Carbon over the five year period to 2013.  To date, four projects had been successfully completed, saving about 380 tonnes of carbon.  A further six projects, saving about 1,374 tonnes, were likely to be completed during 2009/10.  An additional 740 tonnes would be saved following approval of a bid to Salix (a publicly funded company set up to accelerate energy efficient technologies through invest to save schemes) for £250k to help fund SIP projects delivering CO2 and revenue benefits, details of which were set out in Annex B.  Further savings would be made through other schemes identified in the CMP and through projects, currently being investigated by the CMP Core team, to reduce emissions from street lighting, CYC housing stock, transport, waste procurement and IT.


The CRC was a new, mandatory, carbon emissions scheme to be introduced through the Energy Act 2008.  All large businesses and public sector organisations would be issued with annual carbon budgets and must either meet these or buy additional allowances for excess emissions.  Details were supplied in Annex C to the report.  To deal with CRC effectively, the Council would need to incorporate annual carbon trading strategies into the CMP from 2011 and set up a dedicated team to ensure it remained within its carbon budget.  Proposals for managing the CRC would be reported to Members by October 2009.  The Council was already involved in a one year virtual trading scheme, set up by Carbon Action Yorkshire, that mimicked the CRC.  A full report on this would be provided to the Executive by May 2010. 


Members expressed appreciation for the work already achieved in this area and noted that they expected Directors to prioritise the programme now that the resourcing issues had been addressed.


Having noted the comments of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That the good progress made to date be noted.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that a full progress report, with forecasted potential carbon savings over the remaining four years, project plan and timetables for implementation, will be supplied to the Executive once a full year of energy data is available, and that it be requested that this report should also include proposals for addressing energy conservation / reduced carbon emissions in the City Council’s housing stock and in its transportation activities.1


                        (iii)       That the creation of a CRC internal officer group, which will investigate CRC and create a proposal for managing it by October 2009, be noted.


REASON:      So that Members are fully aware of the co-ordinated approach that City of York Council is taking, and will continue to take, in order to manage carbon  ...  view the full minutes text for item 194


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