Operational Delivery Group

DRAFT AGENDAMINUTES – 20th October 2023 11:00-13:00 (online)


1)     Introductions and Apologies (Keith McNally)


In attendance:

·        Keith McNally – Chair (KM)

·        Joanne Waddington – CYC Interim Head of Sustainable Transport (JW)

·        Paul Walter Turner – Commercial Director, TransdDev (PT)

·        Lara ThorntonBoltonCYC Comms Manager for Transport, CYC (LT)

·        Nico Bosetti – Senior Transport Planner, at Momentum Transportation (NB)

·        Andrew Clarke – Public and Community Transport Manager, at North Yorkshire Council (AC)

·        Andrew McGuinness – Regional Manager for CPT, (AM)

·        Andrew Fozzard – Commercial Development Manager, for First (AF)

·        Tom Bridge – Operationss Director, for First (TB)

·        Richard Hampton – Public Transport Infrastructure Manager, for CYC (RH)

·        Laura Wright – Accountant, CYC (LW)

·        Chris MottersShaw – Transport Commissioning Manager, for East Riding of Yorkshire Council (CM)

·            Sam Fryers – Public Transport Planner, CYC (SFr)

·        Stuewart Fillingham – Head of Commercial Development, for East Yorkshire Buses (SFi)

·        Tomhomas James – Managing Director, York Pullman (TJ)

·        Ethan Mantle – Executive Assistant, CYC (EM)

·        Duncan McIntyre – iTravelYork Programme Manager, CYC (DM)


Apologies: Craig Temple, ConnexionsBusesfrom connections; and Paul Moses, First apologies.


2)     Agree minutes and actions from previous meeting (Keith McNally)


KM revieweds minutes from 26th July meeting.

·        Outstanding action for CYC to talk to SFi regarding Betterpoints, but there werethis has not happened due resource constraints at PullmanEY. These are no longer an issuein place, SFi is open to the conversation moving forwardsmeeting taking place.

Action: This conversation meeting to now take place.

·        Kayleigh Harrison (First)e, SFrSam and Michael Howard (CYC) had actions Mike were to respond to the forum via Andrew. 8 mins.

o   AFC respondeds regarding the issues around the removal of short-distance fares from the “tap on, “tap off” platform.. There is potential for tickets to be added to thea York by Bus SsmartCcard, this is in the process of being updatedimplemented.

o   AM updates around price disparity, this has been acknowledged. The data does not support the argument, only a small number of passengers impacted.

o   SFr updates regarding the sustainability of supporting additional withdrawn servicesadvised that expenditure on supported services is not sustainable in the longer term, therefore a network review is being undertaken.

·        AM updates on First to attend every forum meeting, currently going well. SFi to attenddeputise for AM at the next forum.

·        There were no further notes.


3)     Network Review (Joanne Waddington / Momentum Consultancy)


·        Nico BosettiNB providesgave a presentation on the scope and purpose of the bus network review.


o     The purpose is to give an overview of the work being undertaken.

§  There is aThe review will key focus on subsidised routes, to identifying challenges and find opportunities and challengesopportunities. Care Key areas of research are accessibility, reliability, frequency, and usage.

§  The study will take 6 – 8 weeks covering, frequency of service, network catchment, amenity density, equality of access, future developments, wait times and routing.

§  Ticketing and infrastructure are not Detailed patronage and revenue data is not captured in this study.


·        Options for improvement:The following areas are being investigated:

o   Accessibility to city centre from the Acomb, Woodthorpe and Tang Hall area.  less-well served areas.

o   Additional P+R stopping places.

o   Consolidating routes to reduce duplication.

o   Early termination of services to avoid congestion trafficTerminating some services short of the city centre to avoid more congested areas.

o   Timetable General route and timetable changes.



·        PT raises queriedy chart labelled around as peak being 6 – 7pm., in PM peak is experience peak is normally considered to be 4 – 5pm. PT also takes issue with the early termination of services prior to city centre.

o   NB confirmeds that the peak refers to evening peak not overall pm peak so will make the labels clearer moving forwards.


·        PT further addsadded that the evening peak is still below off peak for the rest of the day, so to not put that into consideration for the data around the rest of the day.

o   NB adviseds he will take these comments away and make the report reflective of them. In the initial drafting, it was not felt that service frequency does not change much between 8am – 6pm.

o   SFr further reinforces that this is purely frequency analysis on current provisions. Currently there is no data for anything more in depthnoted that the study is focusing on analysing service frequencies, which are generally constant during daytime hours, rather than patronage which is much more subject to peaks.


·        TB offers stated that the impact of adding further stops on P+R routes needs to be considered very carefully.

·        SFr agreed.


·        AF querieds whether there is any more up to date data than the 2021 census.

o   NB: we have been given the boarding data too, but we have only used the census in a limited but helpful way. The early termination idea is still a work in progress and we are looking at how best to facilitate this. It is also not being explored for all lines.



Slide packs to be shared with the minutes.


4)     BSIP update (Joanne Waddington)


·            Officer overview obligation has been fulfilled.

·        Bus Priority Infrastructure

o   Currently looking at corridor approaches to the city centre as well as movement around the city centre. Opportunities for new infrastructure to improve reliability.

·        Radial routes

o   Team has been appointed to look at concept designs for Fulford Road for bus priority.

o   City centre study results are in, so the process has begun around picking out designs for thisdesign process has begun, though it is currently at early stages. Action: More detailed update to come in January.

·        Park & Ride

o   Consultancy report has been brought on board to review existing position provision and how it can move towardsP&R sites can be developed into a more multi-modal transport hubs. This includes provision for overnight parking and for inter-urban services to call at P&R sites.

o   Draft report expected by the end of the week. Further details to follow at January meeting.

·        Bus stop infrastructure

o   Premium bus stops have been put ininstalled on at Station Ave and Tower Street.

o   First batch of new Real-Timereal-time information units screens are being rolled out and should be completed by the end of the month. These will include REACT functionality for blind and partially sighted bus users.

o   Life-expired RTI screens will be replaced.

o   LED lighting, raised bus stop kerbs and hard standing improvements are all being planned.


·        Summary to be included with minutes.




·        KM suggesteds that there should be facilities for coach services to stop at Park & Ride sites.

o   JW confirmeds this is within the scope.


No further comments.


5)     ZEBRA update (First / ALL)


TB to lead on update.

·        All vehicles have been delivered; site works at James St depot have taken longer but will be complete by mid-November. Middle of November until site is back. Issues around power into the site, to combat this, different powers of charger are charging different vehicles. Plan to be fully electric by the end of November .Delays on the Northern Powergrid side mean that the full charging capacity is not yet available, but a highly-optimised charging regime has been designed to ensure all buses receive sufficient overnight charge to fulfil the next day’s service requirement.

·        All university buses will also be electric by the end of Nov.


·        RH queries queried whetherif there will be capacity to charge all vehicles by the end of November.

o   TB confirmeds that yes, there is a workable, meticulous plan in place.


·        JW advised thats a second round of ZEBRA funding has been announced and CYCYork hasve expressed interest in this. CYC is keen to engage with the smaller operators. 1hr

o   RH addeds that TransDdev have come back and said they would like to investigate electrifying some of their vehiclesexpressed interest in electrifying their local fleet.


·        PT askeds if the council considering a requirement for 0 emissions vehicles for renewal.CYC will require zero-emission buses when tendered services come up for renewal.

o   SFr advised that current CYC policy is to specify a minimumstandard of Euro VI fortendered services, however elected members may decide to review this in future. confirms as it stands, no. This will be review in line with the political priorities.


6)     Operator Updates (ALL)


York:First (AF/TB):

1.            AF provide Commercial update.


a.      Network changes

Slight Minor changes happening in October around the university to the 66, 67 and C1to University services in October, extending service 67 to the rail station.

Punctuality good but always room for improvement.

b.     Impact of £2 fare scheme extension not currently known.


AF to review and respond withimpact of £2 farethis and come back.


1.      TB provides operational overview. Outlook is overallPositive outlook, but  positive as it stands. Key struggles are around the roadworks challenges in regard to roadworks.

East RidingYorkshire (SFi):

1.            SFi provides the following:


a.      Network changes:

All stable, changes were made in April in order to simplify services running into Yorkto some services coming into York back in April to simplify them. Good growth and customer feedback on X46. Echoes issues around roadworks. Worries Concern regarding comments in the press about roadworks.

• SFr advised that  states that the comments in the press are over blown. recent press report of delays to Tadcaster Rd scheme was inaccurate.

b.     Impact of £2 fare scheme extension

£2 fareir has resulted in significant patronageseen a lot of growth.


Operational overview: BSIP+ plus enhancements to rural services have gone inbeen registered for rural services.


Transdev (PT)[xxx]

1.            PT update:


a.      Network changes - none.

b.     Impact of £2 fare scheme extension

Interim Funding given to take £2 fare to December has been given. Cannot sign up the 2024 programme until next year, there is a level of uncertainty.Interim funding received from DfT to continue £2 fare until end of December. Operators have not yet been given the opportunity to sign up to the 2024 programme, so there is a level of uncertainty around this.


PT Further echoesagreed with earlier comments around roadworks.

[xxxYork Pullman (TJ)]

TJ hasNothing to  no update.


KM noted that CPT is looking into the scale of the challenge to operators once the £2 fare scheme comes to an end, bringing the risk of cliff-edge fare increases.


7)     Group Updates and Actions

a.      EP Forum (Andrew McGuinnessM)

                                                              i.      Administrative challenges have led to difficultiescirculating meeting papers. JW confirmed that this is due to CYC staffing issues and the issue will be addressed very soon.

                                                            ii.      AnHeld accessibility event was held in September, with approximately 200 attendees. The purpose of the event wasEvent purpose: to listen to passengers and to help passengers that may have issues boarding buses practiceand to allow residents with disabilities to practice boarding different buses without any time pressure. Many attendes reportedly voiced concerns about the available space for wheelchair users aboard the new electric buses. Event was very successful and further events will be scheduled going forward.Other events like this to take place.

                                                          iii.      EP Forum has had discussions regarding bus punctuality.

                                                          iv.      EP Forum is seeking to recruit additional members- currently proving difficult to find stakeholderrepresentatives for youth/education, healthcare and business.

                                                            v.      Request for all outstanding EP Forum and ODG papers to be published online as soon as possible.

b.     Performance Group (Sam FryersSFr)

                                                              i.      Actions to address punctuality issues due to major highways works.

                                                            ii.      Weekly Tadcaster Rd update meetings will be held between CYC and operatorsWeekly updates regarding Tadcaster road until all disruptive works are is completed.

                                                          iii.      Temporary traffic signals at York College lights will be removed in earlyto be turned off in November- these have been the main source of delays. Though, Temporary traffic signals will control still be needed at the St Helens Road junction.

                                                          iv.      2 weekend closures of Queen Street in Q1 2024 to bring down the bridge. Plan for diversions is being worked on.

c.      Ticketing Group (Paul Turner)

                                                              i.      Review of All York Family summer discount:, Scheme was very successful with 36,700 tTickets sold across all operators over summer. Reimbursement cost was £125k700, slightly over budget.

                                                            ii.      Youth fares update- suggest extending current trial to 31/1/24 to better align with future EP decision-making opportunities. No additional budget approval required for extension.

d.     Marketing Group (Lara Thornton)

                                                              i.      Media briefing took place in early September.

                                                            ii.      Schools o-Outreach work to be looked into off the back offollowing the success of the accessibility event.

                                                          iii.      York Family ticket offer went very well. A lot of positive feedback.

                                                          iv.      Radio ads targeting drive time parents to encourage young personsYPs to get the bus, a. As well as advertising children under 5 go freeimproving awareness of the free travel scheme for accompanied children.

                                                            v.      Major public consultation into all areas of transport, originally for LTP and will now encompass every aspect of transport. Further update in the next few weeks.

e.      Infrastructure Group (Richard Hampton)

No further updates- all covered in item 4.

f.       Passenger Liaison Group (Duncan McIntyre)

                                                              i.      Role of the group is to encourage people to have a say regarding buses.

                                                            ii.      First meeting was in September, they are to, the group discussed  get ideas on how feedback can be obtained.

                                                          iii.      There is a need to go and organise events for the public. There is a staffing issue around this. Potential to piggyback on some CYC events.

·        TB advises suggested that consideration needs to be given on how the bus forums are ranto how the various bus user groups relate to one another.

o     DM agreeds that Iinput from operators would be helpful.

o   SFr notes some caveats to the Bus Forumnoted that the EP Forum and the York Bus Forum are separate entities. The, itYBF is entirely independent of the Council and does not necessarily represent the views of all passengersof the Enhanced Partnership, but is represented on the EP Forum and ODG.


Impact of Ppassenger Lliaison gGroup to be reviewed at the next meeting.


8)     Major Schemes update (Michael Howard)

·        Lots of progress with EP and BSIP- good to see.

·        Tadcaster Rd works will cease by the start of the annual Christmas embargo. Overnight resurfacing to take place in New Year.

·        Station Road frontage- works have commenced on Queen St slip road. should not have any impact on bus services in the medium long term. CYC is engaging with bus operators in regard to weekend closures. Some disruption is inevitable with a scheme of this size, but everything possible will be done to keep disruption to a minimum and ensure everyone is properly informed.

·        Outer Rring Rroad to go to planning, deliverywork is still a way off.


9)     BSIP funding requests (key decisions with impact above £50k shown in bold):

a.      Approve £45k from BSIP network support revenue to extend support of early morning and evening journeys on services 1, 4, 6 and 10 for a further 4 months until 30/4/24 to enable findings of upcoming Network Review to be presented to CYC Executive and EP.

[Unanimously aApproved.]

b.      Approve £49k from BSIP network support revenue to support service 19 until 30/4/24 pending Network Review.

[Unanimously approved.]


10) Annual review of EP Plan and Scheme

a.      Documents are subject to annual review ahead of 31st March 2024. EP members have the opportunity to propose any amendments. Proposed amendments are to be voted upon at the next ODG meeting, if accepted, any substantive changes will require consultation. A report will be returned to the January ODG meeting if any substantive changes are proposed.

SFr – suggested update the EP Plan narrative to take account ofdevelopments during the last 12 months, along withupdated delivery dates etc.  but nThese amendments will not be of a substantive nature therefore will notothing that would require a statutoryfull consultation process.

Action: All to send any further proposals for Operators to put in proposed amendments to the York EP Plan and Scheme to SFr ahead of by Christmas at the latest.


11)Agree future meeting dates, times and locations:

a.      Next meeting, 1100-1300, Thursday 18th January ‘24 (online)

KM is unavailable that day, so Aalternative dates willto be looked at.

b.     April “AGM”, Thursday 18th April ‘24 (in-person at West Offices)

This will be hybrid.Hybrid facilities will be available for anyone unable to attend in person.

c.      Thursday 18th July ’24 and Thursday 17th October ’24 (online)


12)Any other business


No other business from members.