Issue details

Enhanced Partnership for Bus Services

Purpose of the Report:    To request approval for the York Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme,

a binding statutory partnership agreement between the council and bus operators which will:

-       replace the existing voluntary York Quality Bus Partnership;

-       act as the delivery scheme for the council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan; and

-       comply with the DfT requirement for BSIP recipients to have an Enhanced Partnership in place.


The report will also update Members on the latest position with regard Bus Service Improvement Plan funding award.


The practical impact of the cessation of national Covid bus recovery funds with effect from 2nd October, inflation and driver shortages on York Bus services and proposals for the reopening of Poppleton bar Park and Ride.


Provide options for Members to consider short term existing budget allocation options to respond to the above.  


The Executive will be asked to: Approve the final text of the York Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme, enabling it to take legal effect from 19th September, thereby complying with requirements for BSIP funding release.


To consider the current BSIP Funding position, practical challenges of the bus industry and short term existing budget allocations to facilitate the anticipated benefits of the overall BSIP funding and the York Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme.


As part of Bus service improvement plan agree the re opening of Poppleton Bar Park and Ride.


Decision due date for Executive changed from 15/09/2022 to 21/09/2022.  Reason: City of York Council has now postponed all public meetings scheduled to take place during the national period of mourning for the demise of Her Majesty The Queen.


Decision due date for Executive will be changed from 21/09/2022.  Arrangements will be made for a meeting to be rescheduled as soon as possible.  Reason: Due to full statutory requirements not having been met for public notice of the meeting.


Decision due date for Executive changed from 21/09/2022  to 06/10/2022.  Reason: The meeting was postponed due to full statutory requirements not having been met for public notice of the meeting.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/07/2022

Decision due: 06/10/22 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Transport

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Contact: Sam Fryers.

Consultation process

Consultation Process: The statutory ‘bus operator objection’ period runs from 8th July until 5th August, following which a 28-day statutory consultation period will take place, with stakeholders and the public invited to provide their views on the
planned scheme. It is a legal requirement that the operator objection period must be completed ahead of commencing the statutory stakeholder consultation period.
Consultees: Bus operators, neighbouring local transport authorities, York residents, passenger representation and user groups, disability groups, the Traffic Commissioner for the Northeast of England, the Competition and Markets Authority.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.

Agenda items


  • Enhanced Partnership for Bus Services  


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