Issue details

Efficiency Programme - incorporating Strategic Procurement (formerly entitled Strategic Procurement Programme)

To consider and advise on a range of potential reviews which will enable the Council to improve its cost effectiveness and/or service quality.  One key aspect of this will be the consideration of a future strategic procurement programme.

This report aims to contribute to the acceleration of our search for efficiencies in the running costs of the Council.)


This report has been deferred from 21 November.

This report has been deferred from 19 December.

This report has been deferred from 16 January 2007.

This report has been deferred from 30 January 2007.

This report has been deferred from 13 February 2007.

This report has been deferred from 27 March 2007

This report has been deferred from 12 June 2007

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 11/09/07 by Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Lead member: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Lead director: Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services

Department: Directorate of Customer and Corporate Services

Contact: Liz Ackroyd Email: Email:

Making Representations: N/A


  • Efficiency Programme - incorporating Strategic Procurement (formerly entitled Strategic Procurement Programme)  


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