Issue details

Supporting People Programme - annual update

Purpose of report: The programme is a partnership to support vulnerable people who require support to establish or maintain their housing and independence within the community. Results will be seen in the next three years.
Members are asked to:
Note the developments and priorities within the programme,
Note the financial plan for next three
Note the developing links between the programme and the LAA

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Implication: Crime & Disorder; Equalities; Financial;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 08/09/08 by Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Lead member: Councillor Susan Galloway

Lead director: Director of Housing and Adult Social Services

Department: Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate

Contact: Kathy Clark, Assistant Director (Commissioning and Partnerships) Email:

Consultation process

The programme consults regularly both through service reviews and through provider and users. The Core Strategy Group includes key strategic partners for the different customer groups and the Commissioning Body is formed from representatives of the three partner organistions.


Providers of support, service users, and strategic partners.

Making Representations: In writing or by email to Kathy Clark by end of August


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