Issue - decisions

A19 Fulford Road Study

30/10/2007 - Fulford Road Corridor

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised :


a)      To note the contents of the report and outcome of the study;

b)      Approve that the proposals in paragraphs 57, 59, 60, 61 and 62 of this report, together with improvements linked to the Germany Beck development, should form the basis of the improvement strategy for the corridor;

c)      To agree that cyclists should be encouraged to use Cemetery Road, Kent Street and alongside the Barbican site rather than the section of the corridor north of the Cemetery Road junction;

d)      To agree that the proposed improvement measures are further developed, public consultation carried out, and the findings reported back to this panel.

e)      To approve that Officers review at the earliest opportunity the Fishergate gyratory.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy

Resolved :      That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.

Reasons :

a)               For background information and for assisting in the decision making process.

b)               To improve transport conditions along the corridor for high priority user groups and to minimise environmental impact on the corridor.

c)               To indicate the cycling strategy for the northern end of the corridor.

d)                             To seek the public views on the proposed improvement measures and to help to develop those measures.

e)                             To progress the scheme.


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