Issue - decisions

Accounts Submitted for Write-Off

12/09/2007 - National Non-Domestic Rates/Sundry Debtors/Council Tax And Overpaid Housing Benefit Accounts Submitted For Write-Off

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                  approve for write-off the amount of £186,253 shown in para. 4, (the individual debts are listed in the attached annexes), taking note that each debt has a greater value than £2,000.

(ii)                note the amount of £283,583 (shown in para. 4) of accounts valued at less than £2,000 written off in the 6 months to 10th August 2007 under the Head of Finance’s delegated authority.

(iii)             request officers not to name individuals in future public or private reports, subject to legal advice on Members interests.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASONS:To allow prudent management of the Authorities debt portfolio;

                        To inform the Executive Member.


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