Issue - decisions
Supporting the York economy
25/06/2021 - Supporting the York Economy
Resolved: (i) That the significant economic impacts resulting from the Executive’s decision in March 2020 to invest £1.4m in micro businesses be noted.
Reason: To recognise the sizeable economic and social impact of the Council’s micro business grant scheme on York’s small business community and business owners, and better understand the challenges they face in adapting to, and recovering from, Covid-19.
(ii) That the continued focus on working with networks and Traders Associations to build a stronger business community be endorsed.
Reason: To continue the Council’s commitment to working with local businesses and build a stronger sense of community.
(iii) That it be noted that the findings of the MBG evaluation and the council’s work with networks and Traders Association will inform plans to spend the outstanding allocation of Additional Restrictions Grant funding once trading restrictions are lifted, and that the Head of Economic Growth be instructed to bring proposals for the use of those funds to Executive at the earliest opportunity.
Reason: To support the further recovery of micro businesses and the York economy.
(iv) That, subject to the receipt of additional ARG funding from Government, £100k of ARG funds be allocated to support the delivery of events and festivals across the city, and that the implementation of that fund be delegated to the Corporate Director of Place in consultation with the Executive Member for Economy & Strategic Planning.
Reason: To support economic recovery.
(v) That the council sign up to the Good Business Charter and commit York to becoming the first Good Business Charter City.
Reason: To promote responsible business practices and provide a practical framework which enables York to Build Back Better.