Issue - decisions
Amended decision on the sale of a building to most effectively support the re-provision of the Council’s homeless accommodation.
28/08/2020 - Amended Decision on the Sale of a Building to Most Effectively Support the Re-provision of the Council's Homeless Accommodation
Resolved: That approval be given to sell 27 & 28 St Marys on the open market to the highest bidder instead of 92 Holgate Road and, if the highest bidder is not necessarily the best offer, that the Corporate Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care (in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer or her delegated officer) be authorised to take such steps as are necessary to accept the best offer.
Reasons: (i) To support the cost of the provision of the council’s temporary homeless accommodation at James House.
(ii) To improve the provision of the properties offered by the council to its partners as part of the resettlement programme.
(iii) To make better use of the council’s assets and reduce the ongoing cost of the properties leased to Changing Lives.