Issue - decisions

Westminster Road Area Consultation and Survey Results

06/01/2010 - Westminster Road Area Consultation and Survey Results

RESOLVED:                       That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees:

i) To implement a 20mph zone for the area.

ii) To note the outcome of the traffic surveys and questionnaire and take no further action at this time on introducing a point closure.

iii) That the results of the survey be also considered  scheme.

iv)That the Police be requested to monitor the junctions in this area with a view to addressing any examples they may find of inappropriate driver behaviour.


REASON:                  As the lower speeds due to the traffic calming justify the introduction of a lower speed limit.

As the options of closing the area to through traffic does not have support from a significant proportion of the local community that would be affected by a closure.

As the options of investigating the use of chicanes and road narrowings are not well supported by local residents.


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