Issue - decisions

Village Accessibility Review

08/07/2009 - Village Accessibility Review

RESOLVED:          That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

                        i)          Note the content of the report, particularly Table 1 which outlines the issues, potential solutions and  their cost estimates;

ii)     Authorise the commissioning of more detailed designs for the following:

·        A166 Stamford Bridge Road / Church Balk traffic islands;

·        B1363 / Mill Lane traffic signals and 40mph speed restriction limit and

·        Strensall Road / Towthorpe Road / Towthorpe Moor Lane (extend 40mph speed restriction limit to south of the junctions)

schemes prioritised for implementation in the 2009/10 financial year, and including further evaluation of the refinements suggested by local Ward Members, and that detailed proposals be reported to a subsequent Decisions Session - Executive Member for City Strategy.

iii)   Request officers to reply to the lead petitioner for the A19 / Main Street, Deighton scheme, and

iv)    Requests officers to investigate whether any low cost options are available for the early resolution of problems at the North Lane junction.


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