Issue - decisions

Third Corporate Finance and Performance Monitor

03/03/2009 - Third Performance and Financial Monitor for 2008/09

RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action on these performance issues can be taken by Corporate Management Team and directorates.


                        (ii)        That the application for a supplementary estimate request of £40k for fostering costs to be funded from the contingency fund, as set out in paragraph 27 and Annex 3, be approved.


REASON:      In accordance with the Executive’s Constitutional powers to make decisions on the level and granting of supplementary estimates, and to ensure the provision of services to vulnerable children.


                        (iii)       That the request from the Director of Resources for a virement of £106k between Treasury Management and Leisur and Culture, as set out in paragraph 28, be approved.


REASON:      This is a cross-departmental virement where one side falls within the remit of the Executive.


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