Issue - decisions

Update report on the progress towards a community stadium

10/09/2008 - Update Report on the Progress Towards a Community Stadium

*RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive re-affirms its commitment to a Community Stadium and recognises the importance of securing the £2 million Football Foundation grant to that end.


(ii)That no further action be undertaken at this time to extend a loan from the City of York Council to York City Football Club, on the understanding that the Club is undertaking negotiations with the Football Foundation iin order to have the interest on that body’s loan to the Club rolled over into the future sale value of Bootham Crescent Football Stadium.


                                    (iii)       That the Director of City Strategy recruit, in accordance with the decision of the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee on 21 May, to secure the appointment of a project manager to:

a)                 establish a site;

b)                 consult on the design and operation for the wider benefit of the community of the City;

c)                  establish the cost of, and sources of funding for, a community stadium and

d)                 deliver a community stadium by 2012.


(iv)That Officers continue their dialogue with York City Football Club, and York Knights, on how to sustain spectator sports in the City, and on the continuation of other sports clubs based at Huntington Stadium.


(v)That the Chief Executive write to the Football Foundation setting out the actions decided in Resolution (iii) above and the commitment of the Council to work in partnership with YCFC to deliver the community stadium.


REASON:                  To support and progress the project to provide a new community stadium, which will have a positive effect upon York’s local pride, commercial momentum and civic profile.


* Note:  These resolutions supersede the recommendations made at the Executive meeting on 15 July 2008 (Minute 37 refers); those recommendations will not, therefore, be put before Full Council.


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