Issue - decisions
First Capital Monitor
08/10/2008 - Capital Programme - Monitor One
RESOLVED: (i) That the revised 2008/09 budget of £63.930m, as set out in paragraph 6 of the report (Table 2) be approved.
(ii) That the net slippage of £12.248m into future years, and the additions of £217k in 08/09, £4.424m in 09/10 and £203k in 10/11 be approved.
(iii) That the re-stated capital programme for 2008/09 to 2010/11, as set out in paragraph 24 (Table 11) and detailed in Annex A, be approved.
(iv) That the capital receipt projections for 2008/09 to 2010/11, as summarised in paragraph 26 (Table 12) and set out in (exempt) Annex B, be noted.
(v) That the use of the re-classified PFI funds to overcome the early years shortfall in funding be noted.
REASON: To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.