Issue - decisions

Air Quality Update

05/09/2008 - Air Quality Update

Advice of the Advisory Panel


(i)         That the Executive Member be advised that Option (a), as outlined at paragraph 28, to accept air quality grants from DEFRA totalling£15,000, be approved and allow the air quality projects outlined in paragraphs 6 to 11 to proceed.

(ii)        That a letter be sent to DEFRA advising them that the Council was dissatisfied with the level of Air Quality Support Grant allocated to them for 2008/2009.

Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            It represents the most appropriate way of funding the continuation of LAQM in the city.  This is a statutory undertaking that contributes towards the corporate priorities on improving the health of residents and encouraging the use of public, and other environmentally friendly, modes of transport.


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