Issue - decisions

Manor School - Highway Improvements

15/07/2008 - Manor School - Highway Improvements

Option 1 - approve the highway improvement scheme as consulted on with no changes  (i.e. as per the plans in Annexes C to G).

Option 2 - approve the highway improvement scheme as consulted on with the amendments set out in Annexes J and K, plus any further changes Members would like to see made.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to defer consideration of the highway improvements and Road Traffic Regulation Orders associated with the planning approval for the new Manor School to the Committees next meeting on 8 September 2008 to allow Officers to re-examine the proposals, in particular:

·        the siting of the proposed bus stop;

·        the siting of the cycle route along Low Poppleton Lane and Beckfield Lane.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To respond to issues and concerns raised through consultation on the detailed scheme plans to deliver the required highway improvements as conditioned within the planning approval for the new Manor School.





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