Issue - decisions

The Statement of Accounts

30/06/2008 - Statement of Accounts 2007/08

Members received a report which invited them to review and comment upon the Council’s financial accounts for the financial year 2007/08 before submitting them for approval by Full Council on the 30th June. 


Audit & Governance Committee had already considered and commented on the accounts.  A revised copy of the accounts, with supplementary sheets, setting out the proposed changes had been circulated following Audit & Governance Committee.


Members expressed the view that the Annual Governance Statement should be a separate document from the Statement of Accounts in future.


RECOMMENDED:That the Statement of Accounts be approved by Full Council.1


REASON:      Under the current constitution Full Council must approve the Statement of Accounts.  It is a statutory requirement that this approval must be made no later than 30th June.


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