Issue - decisions

York High Sports Provision Management Arrangements

04/06/2008 - York High Sports Provision Management Arrangements

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That it be agreed that an amended service level agreement be drawn up with the governors of York High School to include the new swimming and hydrotherapy pool facilities within integrated community facilities, in accordance with Option A set out in the report, subject to:


a)      the agreement running to 31 March 2013;


b)      the facility operator remaining the Sport & Active Leisure Team until at least 31 March 2011;


c)      the Council providing additional management capacity until 31 March 2011;


d)      agreement of a final business plan in line with the parameters set out in paragraph 23 of the report.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To provide enhanced community sports facilities for the people of York.


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