Committee details

Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee

Purpose of committee

This Committee oversees and co-ordinates the work of the Scrutiny Committees, including: 

        ·            allocating responsibility for issues which fall between more than one Overview & Scrutiny Committee

        ·            allocating, in consultation with the Chair/Vice-Chair,  urgent issues to be considered by an appropriate Committee (including an Ad-Hoc Scrutiny Committee), as may be necessary

        ·            reviewing progress against the Work Plans of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees, as may be necessary and receiving bi-annual updates from Chairs of those Scrutiny Committees, as required;

        ·             receiving periodical progress reports, as appropriate, on particular scrutiny reviews

        ·            considering and commenting on any final reports arising from completed reviews produced by the Overview & Scrutiny Committees, as required

        ·            provides an annual report to Full Council on the work of the Overview & Scrutiny function

        ·            recommends to the Executive an appropriate budget to support the undertaking of scrutiny reviews as part of the Council’s budget setting process, and manages the overall allocation of any such budget

     ·              periodically reviews the overview and scrutiny procedures to ensure that the function is operating effectively and recommends to Council any appropriate constitutional changes relating to the scrutiny structure or procedural rules. 

In Addition, CSMC exercises the powers of an Overview & Scrutiny Committee under section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000, specifically in relation to the service areas within the Customer & Corporate Services Directorate

CSMC is responsible for monitoring the performance of the following service areas:


        ·            Legal Services

        ·            Information Governance and Complaints

        ·            Electoral Services

        ·            Corporate Finance and Procurement

        ·            Human Resources and Organisational Development

        ·            Customer, Resident and Exchequer Services,

        ·            Digital and ICT

         ·            Civic and Democratic Services


Contact information

Support officer: Jane Meller. Democracy Officer

Postal address:
West Offices
Station Rise



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