Agenda item

Hackney Carriage Fares [17:51}

This report asks Members to determine a request from the Hackney Carriage Associations with regards to the maximum fares to be paid in respect of the hire of a City of York licensed hackney carriage vehicles. This request relates to a variation of the table of fares. 



Members considered a report that asked Members to determine a request from the Hackney Carriage Associations with regards to the maximum fares to be paid in respect of the hire of a City of York licensed hackney carriage vehicles.  This request related to a variation of the table of fares.


The Taxi Licensing Manager outlined the report noting that all three taxi associations in York had agreed the request. In response to Member questions, the Taxi Licensing Manager explained:

·        The incremental charges in the tariffs

·        There was a requirement in the Bylaws that fares were advertised in vehicles

·        The overall increase for tariffs was 13%.

·        The process for consultation

·        Mobility aids did not count as luggage

·        How the request for the increase in fares was advertised

·        The fare increase comparisons would be included in the report next time a determination was made

·        There had been no objections to the fare increases and the increases would come into effect from the 14th day following the determination of the request should there be no objections. If there had been an objection the request that was not withdrawn, the request would come back to the Committee.

·        The fares put forward by the trade compared with York and North Yorkshire. The annual % rise in fare rates had been provided by the trade.

·        Confirmation was given that the proposed fares put forward were the maximum allowed fares.


By virtue of Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (1976 Act) the Committee had the following options available to them in making their decision:


Option 1 – ask officers to publish in a local newspaper the variation to the table of fares proposed by the Hackney Carriage Associations, giving a specified period of 14 days within which objections can be made. If no objections are received or if so received are withdrawn then the new fares will be implemented on the date specified in the advert.     


Option 2 – determine an alternative variation to the table of fares, and ask officer to publish in a local newspaper the variation to the table of fares determined by Members, giving a specified period of 14 days within which objections can be made.     


Option 3  - reject the request from the Hackney Carriage Associations to vary the table of fares. 


Cllr Warters moved option 1 to ask officers to publish in a local newspaper the variation to the table of fares proposed by the Hackney Carriage Associations, giving a specified period of 14 days within which objections can be made. If no objections are received or if so received are withdrawn then the new fares will be implemented on the date specified in the advert. This was seconded by Cllr Cuthbertson. On being put to the vote with eleven in favour, one against and one abstention, it was:


Resolved:  That, in accordance with option 1 to grant a renewal of the licence as requested.


Reason:     To determine the table of fares that will apply to charges

in respect of the hire of City of York’s licensed hackney carriage vehicles.


[The meeting adjourned from 18:22 to 18:34].




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