Agenda item

Fishergate Flood Alleviation Scheme

Vikki McCausland from the Environment Agency will give an update on the scheme.


Vikki McCausland provided an update of the Fishergate Flood Alleviation Scheme and emphasised the importance of overall flood risk management and community resilience as well as flood protection.  Her presentation included the following key points:- 


·         Prepare – Understanding flood risk is a necessary part of the process and is based on local history and knowledge, projected modelled flood outlines and flood planning (for individuals as well as the community).


·         Protect – Reducing flood risk will be addressed by the implementation of the Property Flood Resilience Scheme and Fishgergate is the first ward to undergo work as part of the scheme.  68 properties have been surveyed (55 of which have been confirmed as eligible).  £7,500 has been allocated per property and work is expected to be implemented between December 2019 and March 2020. 



·         Respond and Recover –Taking action to minimise flood impact and support each other is another vital part of the scheme (i.e. individual/community flood plans, personal/community grab bags, flood wardens, signing up for flood warnings and staying informed).


Following the presentation there was an opportunity for those attending to ask further questions.


Question:  Why are certain areas (i.e. cycle lanes on New Walk) not always cleared following flooding?


Answer:  Councillor D’Agorne accepted that clearing up after flooding is not always easy due to fluctuating river levels.  However, he acknowledged that this needs to be explained to residents with more clarity. 


Question:  What is happening about the blocked sewer near St George’s Car Park?


Answer:  Councillor D’Agorne confirmed that the pumping station originally built by City of York Council in 1982 has since been taken over by Yorkshire Water.  He also accepted that there had been maintenance and design issues affecting an outflow which he will follow up.


Question:  Why has the resilience plan had been put on hold?


Answer:   Vikki McCausland said that whilst the Environment Agency can facilitate such schemes the community needs to move matters forward.


Question:  How would the sewer system impact on the new development on Piccadilly?


Answer:  Vikki McCausland said she would follow this up. 


Question:  Is the ‘Ready for Anything’ scheme defunct?


Answer:  Vikki McCausland confirmed that this has been adopted by the City of York Council and incorporated into their Flood Alleviation Scheme.


Question:  Is there likely to be an increase in the severity and/or frequency of flooding in the future?


Answer:  Vikki McCausland confirmed that there is likely to be an increase in both the severity and frequency of flooding particularly in light of climate change. 


Question:  What mitigating factors have been factored into the scheme regarding areas further up stream and what impact would a rise in sea level have?


Answer:  Vikki McCausland confirmed that work had been done further up stream in an attempt to reduce pressure on the Foss barrier.  Other mitigating factors have included better land management, tree planting and dealing with leaking pipes.    The sea and tidal levels from the Humber Estuary are also being monitored.


Question:  What is the height of the flood defences being undertaken at Germany Beck?

Answer:  Vikki McCausland will follow this up but did say that a 2.4 per cent increase in river flow is predicted.



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