Agenda item
Police Update
Updates from your local PCSO Michael Hannon
PCSO Jimmy Hanon (JH) updated the meeting on the work of his team and issues relating to the Ward.
JH said that he was one of the officers that covered the Haxby and Wigginton ward. Of the 24 officers on the team, each has their own individual areas and different shift patrols covering 8.00 am to midnight every day of the week.
The crime numbers for the Haxby/Wigginton ward for the last three months (July, August and September) was 36 which still made the ward a low crime area. Over the summer months there had been issues in the ward in respect of anti social behaviour, particularly concerning groups of youths congregating around the Co-op store. There has been a regular police presence and due to issues being raised about this area the police had moved in with large vans and 30 to 35 PCSOs, Police and Specials to deal with the large groups of youths causing the anti social behaviour. This exercise is due to be repeated on Halloween, 4th November (mischief night), and 5th November (bonfire night) as well as half term and will include Rydale Court.
With the exception of Rydale Court there were no significant numbers of issues over the summer. He urged that if anyone saw anything suspicious they should ring it in.
Q A resident raised the issue from the previous meeting regarding the serious break in at Haxby post office and enquired if anyone had been arrested in regard to this?
A JH said that members of the public would not be given this information. Updates would be given to the reporting person and to the Council only. JH said he was not aware of this offence so could not comment.
Q When you catch the youths responsible for antisocial behaviour how do you deal with them.
A We make a judgement as to whether they need to be taken home and their parents spoken to or just put on a bus home. Sometimes we ring parent to come and pick them up, it all depends upon the situation. We do not take them home unless they have done something specific. We also work with schools and social services dependent upon the incident and who the young person is as to how we deal with them. Cllr Richardson said if anyone wanted to raise an issue please email one of the ward councillors and we can find out what is happening.
Q A resident raised the fact that he had received a letter from Victim Support asking if he wanted counselling as he had reported anti social behaviour which he thought strange.
A JH Victim Support has no links to the Police and is therefore not involved in these letters.
Cllr Richardson said that the Crime Commissioner would be visiting Haxby at the end of the month. Information and appointments for residents are available, if anyone would like to raise issues directly with the Crime Commissioner please telephone 01904 596562 or email
Cllr Richardson thanked PCSO Hanon for attending the meeting and updating the residents.