Agenda item

Public Participation/Other Speakers

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on Wednesday 2 November                    2011. 


Members of the public may speak on:

·        An item on the agenda,

·        an issue within the Cabinet Member’s remit,

·        an item that has been published on the Information Log for the current session.  Information reports are listed at the end of the agenda.

Please note that no items have been published on the Information Log since the last Decision Session.




It was reported that there had been two registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. The Cabinet Member also granted two requests to speak from Council members.


A resident of Osbaldwick Lane spoke on behalf of local residents in support of the alternative scheme detailed at Annex C of the report (Derwenthorpe Section 278, Phase 1 – Osbaldwick Lane, Pedestrian Crossing) providing dropped kerbs and path improvements. She confirmed that residents objected to any proposals for a zebra crossing at the suggested locations as they felt they were unnecessary and in the wrong position. She pointed out that this was not a busy road which pedestrians had no problems in crossing. She pointed out that if the authority wished to provide a crossing that this should be sited nearer to the Tang Hall Lane junction to provide a safe crossing for pupils attending both Archbishop’s and Derwent Schools.


Councillor Warters thanked officers for their extensive report in relation to the Osbaldwick Lane, pedestrian crossing and for meeting residents in relation to the proposals. He confirmed his support for the alternative scheme at Annex C. He did however ask if officers could re-examine the proposed dropped kerb crossing adjacent to the village hall as this was at a point where the narrowness of the road could lead to bus’s mounting the kerb and at the new barriers at the playing field entrance to ensure that it did not open up the path to motorbikes.


Representations were received from a Rawcliffe resident in relation to Agenda item 5 Review of Emergency Bus Tenders. She pointed out that bus service issues had dominated recent Ward meetings. There was a need she felt for an integrated approach to public transport and for it to be seen in the wider context of social inclusion. Lifelong learning was to be encouraged for both employment and leisure but this was difficult with little public transport in the evenings. Reference was made to the emergency measures put in place on the No 19 service and to the reductions in passengers numbers which, it was pointed out, would take some time to recover. She also referred to government recommendations for the provision of fuller consultation to address the impact of cuts in public transport services and its affect on the most vulnerable in society.


Councillor Watt also referred to the extent of concern raised at the Ward meetings in relation to bus services in the Rawcliffe/Skelton area. He expressed his appreciation for the work undertaken by the Cabinet Member and Officers but pointed out that additional work was required on consultation and provision of information. Skelton residents required a bus link to the Park and Ride site and from the Park and Ride site to Tesco’s. Rawcliffe residents were generally happy with the service with the exception of the gap in evening services which required addressing. He requested improvements in marketing and consultation for his Ward to improve the take up of services.


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