Agenda item

Blossom Street Multi Modal Study - Feasibility

This report presents the results of the first stage of the Blossom Street Multi Modal Study. The study was commissioned to investigate options for improving the Blossom Street/Queen Street/Micklegate and Nunnery Lane junctions together with the enhancement of the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road.

Members are asked to receive a report at a future meeting describing potential options detailing how they would satisfy the key requirements.


Consideration was given to the following options:


Option 1 - accept the principal that the Blossom Street / Queen Street / Micklegate/Nunnery Lane junction should be altered and the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road should be enhanced to improve the accessibility and safety for all road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists. The alterations and enhancements to be considered will have an impact on the operation of the junction and congestion to varying degrees. Subject to this, scheme options should be presented to a future EMAP for their relative benefits/disbenefits to be considered by Members in order to decide on a preferred option for further evaluation, consultation and detailed design.


Option 2 - reject the principal.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)                 Note the report and its Annexes;


(ii)               Note that the Blossom Street/Queen Street/ Micklegate/Nunnery Lane junction may be altered and agree in principle that the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road should be enhanced to improve the accessibility and safety for all road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists.

(iii)             Note that any alterations and enhancements to be considered will have an impact on the operation of the junction and congestion to varying degrees.

(iv)              Request Officers to undertake full consultation with residents, traders and road users in the Micklegate area before proceeding further with any design work which would limit access via Micklegate Bar and that the results of such consultation be reported back to the EMAP.

(v)                That Officers be asked to more fully consider the options for diverting cycle movements away from this junction (for example, by providing more direct routes linking to the Railway Station).

(vi)              Receive a further report from Officers at a future EMAP meeting describing potential options and how they satisfy, as far as is practicable, the key requirements.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            The study confirmed that current facilities for pedestrians and cyclists are less than ideal, evidenced by the number of accidents that have occurred in the past five years. Accepting the principal that the Blossom Street / Queen Street / Micklegate / Nunnery Lane junction should be altered and the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road should be enhanced, particularly and ultimately deciding on an option to address the issues as far as is practicable should improve safety for all road users, pedestrians and cyclists.





Consideration was given to a report which presented the results of the first stage of the Blossom Street Multi Modal Study. This study had been commissioned to investigate options for improving the Blossom Street/Queen Street/Micklegate/Nunnery Lane junction and to enhance the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road. The aim was to improve accessibility and safety for all road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists whilst taking in the requirements of the city’s Air Quality Management Plan.


Consideration was given to the following options:


Option 1 - accept the principal that the Blossom Street / Queen Street / Micklegate/Nunnery Lane junction should be altered and the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road should be enhanced to improve the accessibility and safety for all road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists. The alterations and enhancements to be considered will have an impact on the operation of the junction and congestion to varying degrees. Subject to this, scheme options should be presented to a future EMAP for their relative benefits/disbenefits to be considered by Members in order to decide on a preferred option for further evaluation, consultation and detailed design.


Option 2 - reject the principal.


Members welcomed the report but expressed concern at suggestions made in relation to possible restrictions to access to Micklegate. They confirmed that they would not support this aspect of the scheme before full consultation with residents, traders and road users had been undertaken.


The following points were raised by members:

·        Hazards involved in right and left turns onto Blossom Street;

·        Cycling provision required improvement on Blossom Street;

·        Questioned alternative cycle route from the Crescent to the station car park;

·        Need to regularise the Holgate Road junction;

·        Need for crossing points to be sited where they were most required;

·        Possibility of inking these proposals to the footstreets report;

·        Possibility of using traffic signals, in advance of the Bar at the Micklegate junction with Blossom Street to assist cyclists;


Members went onto confirm that there was still work to be carried out on all the points raised and to the knock on effects in surrounding areas and on air quality. In view of the concerns raised the Panel gave the following amended advice


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to


(i)                 Note the report and its Annexes;


(ii)               Note that the Blossom Street/Queen Street/ Micklegate/Nunnery Lane junction may be altered and agree in principle that the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road should be enhanced to improve the accessibility and safety for all road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists.

(iii)             Note that any alterations and enhancements to be considered will have an impact on the operation of the junction and congestion to varying degrees.

(iv)              Request Officers to undertake full consultation with residents, traders and road users in the Micklegate area before proceeding further with any design work which would limit access via Micklegate Bar and that the results of such consultation be reported back to the EMAP. 1.

(v)                That Officers be asked to more fully consider the options for diverting cycle movements away from this junction (for example, by providing more direct routes linking to the Railway Station). 1.

(vi)              Receive a further report from Officers at a future EMAP meeting describing potential options and how they satisfy, as far as is practicable, the key requirements. 1.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            The study confirmed that current facilities for pedestrians and cyclists are less than ideal, evidenced by the number of accidents that have occurred in the past five years. Accepting the principal that the Blossom Street / Queen Street / Micklegate / Nunnery Lane junction should be altered and the streetscape of Blossom Street between this junction and its junction with Holgate Road should be enhanced, particularly and ultimately deciding on an option to address the issues as far as is practicable should improve safety for all road users, pedestrians and cyclists.




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