Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Guildhall, York
Contact: Jill Pickering, Democracy Officer
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda. Minutes: At this point in the meeting the Cabinet Member was asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests that he might have had in the business on the agenda.
The Cabinet Member declared personal non prejudicial interests in Agenda Items 4(20 mph Speed Limit Policy Approach) and 5 (Strategic Cycle Route Prioritisation) as an Honorary Member of the Cyclists’ Touring Club and as a Member of York Cycle Campaign.
No other interests were declared. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2012. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the last meeting held on 12 April 2012 be approved and signed by the Cabinet Member as a correct record. |
Public Participation - Decision Session
Minutes: It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. |
20mph Speed Limit Policy Approach. PDF 331 KB In May 2011 the new Council Administration was elected with a commitment to implement 20mph speed limits on residential roads across the city. In order to deliver this commitment a new policy approach is required. The proposed policy is attached as an annex to this report for the Cabinet Member’s consideration.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: That a policy approach to delivering 20 mph speed limits across the city be agreed.
Reason: To provide a consistent and transparent approach to implementation.
RESOLVED: That the provisional programme for roll out and therefore the response to the petitions in relation to implementation be agreed.
Reason: So that residents can be made aware of the order of delivery and enable the petitions to be considered as part of a wider area rather than new or extensions to an existing scheme.
RESOLVED: That larger villages be included in the roll out but that implementation in the smaller villages be delayed until further in the year.
Reason: To enable evidence to determine whether a signed only limit or another traffic management approach is most appropriate in the small villages.
RESOLVED: That the progress on the South Bank scheme be noted and that the trial in Murton Village be put on hold until additional funding can be identified.
Reason: To enable the programme to trial affordable additional speed reduction measures that would be replicable across the city and that also work to reduce average speeds close to 20mph. Minutes:
The Cabinet Member for City Strategy considered a report which asked him to agree to a policy approach for 20mph speed limits, a provisional city wide programme of 20mph speed limits on residential roads, and note the progress made on two pilot schemes.
RESOLVED: That a policy approach to delivering 20mph speed limits across the city be agreed.
Reason: To provide a consistent and transparent approach to implementation.
RESOLVED: That the provisional programme for roll out and therefore the response to the petitions in relation to implementation be agreed.
Reason: So that residents can be made aware of the order of delivery and enable the petitions to be considered as part of a wider area rather than new or extensions to an existing scheme.
RESOLVED: That larger villages be included in the roll out but that implementation in the smaller villages be delayed until further into the process.
Reason: To enable evidence to determine whether a signed only limit or another traffic management approach is most appropriate in the small villages.
RESOLVED: That the progress on the South Bank scheme be noted and that the trial in Murton Village be put on hold until additional funding can be identified.
Reason: To enable the programme to trial affordable additional speed reduction measures that would be replicable across the city and that also work to reduce average speeds close to 20mph. |
Strategic Cycle Route Prioritisation. PDF 113 KB This report presents a draft revised strategic cycling network and prioritised list of strategic cycle schemes for consideration, and if approved, adoption by the council. Once adopted the list would be used to inform the future years’ cycling infrastructure component of the transport capital programmes.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That Option B, to adopt a more up to date and evidence-based network and scheme prioritisation method with future schemes better prioritised against set criteria be agreed.
REASON: To help achieve an effective future cycling network, to ensure future developments take into account and contribute towards it, and to shape future Transport Capital Programmes. Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report which presented him with a draft revised strategic cycling network and prioritised list of strategic cycle schemes for consideration and adoption by the Council.
Officers informed the Cabinet Member of the omission of the James Street Link Road Phase 2 cycle scheme from the original Annex B, to their report. This was subsequently attached to the original agenda, which was republished after the meeting.
RESOLVED: That Option B, to adopt a more up to date and evidence-based network and scheme prioritisation method with future schemes better prioritised against set criteria, be approved.
REASON: To help achieve an effective future cycling network, to ensure future developments take into account and contribute towards it, and to shape future Transport Capital Programmes. |
How to Better Promote Sustainable Development in York. PDF 124 KB The purpose of this paper is to consider York’s current position / perspective and highlight where action can be taken to better promote sustainable development through the planning system across the City.
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: That Option 2, to undertake specific targeted actions as set out in the Officer’s report be agreed.
REASON: To improve the chances of delivering the City’s aspirations in relation to sustainable development. Minutes: The Cabinet Member received a report which asked him to agree to specific actions to promote higher standards of sustainable development through the planning system across the City, following the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework.
RESOLVED: That Option 2, to undertake specific targeted actions as set out in the Officer’s report be agreed.
REASON: To improve the chances of delivering the City’s aspirations in relation to sustainable development. |