Agenda and minutes

Venue: Dunnington Sports Club

Contact: Cindy Benton  Community Involvement Officer

No. Item


6.00pm Ward Surgery Drop In

Residents have the opportunity to chat informally with Ward Cllrs and Council Oficers


Local residents were given the opportunity to speak informally with Councillor Warters and Councillor Rowley prior to the main meeting.



6.30pm Highways issues

Highways officers will answer any questions and give update son any highways or traffic issues in the area


Dave Atkinson began by asking whether everyone was familiar with the Eastfield Lane development (which was affirmed by those in attendance).  He went on to clarify that he had been invited (though not mandated) to attend the meeting as well as the scheduled parish council meeting in September 2022.   Although the application to build over 80 dwellings on Eastfield Lane had already been approved by the Planning Committee (with the proviso that construction traffic would be able to access the site), the traffic management plan had been rejected as it was not considered sufficiently detailed or robust. Consequently, Barratt Homes had been asked to revise and resubmit their plans.


The ensuing discussion demonstrated a keen sense of injustice, frustration and anger amongst residents, not only in connection with the proposed traffic management plan (which was considered to be basic, shoddy and incomplete), but also the manner in which the planning application had been seemingly rushed through without having taken into account the many objections raised by residents as well as Councillor Warters and Councillor Rowley.


Councillor Warters added that the development would be constructed on greenbelt land despite the availability of alternative brownfield sites in York and he felt aggrieved that the views of residents and local councillors had not been incorporated into either the planning application or the traffic management plan. 


There was also some ambiguity as to how residents could formally lodge their views and a query was raised as to how best to communicate with City of York Council in the future.

Dave Atkinson explained how to access the planning portal on the City of York Council website (20/01626/FULM).  He also confirmed that he was happy to relay residents’ comments to his colleagues in the Highways and Transport Department.  Councillor Warters added that residents could also contact their parish and ward councillors if they wished to express their views.


Several residents raised concerns regarding the feasibility and safety implications of allowing construction traffic (as well as a significantly increased number of vehicles resulting from the housing development) to operate along such a narrow road which would lead to mayhem and congestion.  It was felt very strongly that, at the outset, representatives from the Planning Committee, Highways and Transport Department and North Yorkshire Police, should have actively visited the site to review the traffic conditions on Eastfield Lane.  Had they done so, residents believed that its unsuitability to withstand the impact of additional construction/other vehicles would have been apparent.   Certain members of the community (including children and the elderly) were considered by residents to be at risk of being particularly affected by the disruption due to their increased vulnerability and impaired mobility.  The impact on emergency and agricultural vehicles was also flagged up.


In addition to increased congestion, residents also highlighted restricted access and parking constraints as potentially problematic issues.  Further questions were raised regarding the size and number of construction vehicles as well as the frequency of journeys on such a narrow road which, they felt, would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Have Your Say

Residents have the opportunity to ask Ward Cllrs any questions or raise any points on local issues


Councillor Warters thanked everyone for attending the meeting and informed them that a further meeting would be convened when a revised traffic management plan had been submitted.  He also advised that a representative from Barratt Homes would be invited to attend the meeting to hear and address residents’ concerns.


Action:  Councillor Warters and Councillor Rowley to convene a further meeting (to include a representative from Barratt Homes)



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