Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Guildhall, York
Contact: Fiona Young Principal Democracy Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest At this point, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in the business on this agenda. Minutes: Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda. No interests were declared. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the Executive (Calling In) meeting held on 5 May 2010 and the Executive meeting held on 11 May 2010. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Executive (Calling In) meeting held on 5 May 2010 and the Executive meeting held on 11 May 2010 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Public Participation At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or a matter within the Executive’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00 pm on Monday 7 June 2010. Minutes: It was reported that there had been one registration to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.
Mark Warters spoke in relation to agenda item 73 (Climate Change Framework and Climate Change Action Plan for York – Consultation Drafts and Update). He commented that the principles expressed in section 8 of the draft CCF on sustainable planning had not been applied in respect of the Derwenthorpe development and noted that progress on the Local Development Framework appeared to have stalled recently. |
Executive Forward Plan PDF 78 KB To receive details of those items that are currently listed on the Forward Plan for the next two Executive meetings. Minutes: Members received and noted details of those items listed on the Forward Plan for the next two Executive meetings at the time the agenda was published. |
This report outlines the consultation drafts of the Climate Change Framework (2010-2015) and the Climate Change Action Plan (2010-2013) for York and seeks permission to go out to public consultation on these draft from late June to late August 2010. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: (i) That the consultation drafts of the Climate Change Framework and Climate Change Action Plan be approved.
REASON: To progress the development of the CCF and CCAP.
(ii) That the risks to delivery of the CCF and CCAP, due to the ambition of the scale of the task and the city-wide, partnership working nature of the agenda, be noted.
REASON: To highlight the ambition of the CCF and CCAP, whilst noting the finite capacity of co-ordinating and delivering them through the Council’s existing Sustainability Team.
(iii) That the Council’s role in delivering the CCF and CCAP, and ensuring delivery through the various delivery mechanisms for which they are responsible, be acknowledged.
REASON: To ensure that the City of York Council plays a lead role in delivery of the CCF and CCAP. Minutes: Members considered a report which presented draft versions of a Climate Change Framework (CCF) for 2010-2015 and Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for 2010-2013 and sought permission to consult on these from late June to late August 2010.
The preparation of these consultation documents had been outlined in a report to the Executive on 16 February 2010. The draft CCF, attached as Annex 1, set out the direction of travel for York in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation work. The draft CCAP, attached as Annex 2, set out the specific action plans for delivery of the CCF. Both the CCF and the CCAP would be delivered and implemented by the Climate Change Subgroup of the Environment Partnership Board and key organisations, including City of York Council and the Without Walls Partnership, with the Council’s Sustainability Officer continuing to adopt a co-ordination role.
Members were recommended to approve the draft documents for public consultation, in accordance with the draft communication plan at Annex 4, with a view to launching the final versions by October 2010. The alternative option was to continue climate change activity on an ad-hoc basis. This was not recommended, as it would risk failing to meet the City’s carbon reduction targets and failing to address key climate change adaptation measures.
With reference to the comments of the Labour Group spokespersons on this item, Members noted that the report and draft documents were not intended to be council-focused but rather to highlight the need for a partnership approach to this issue and to provide a basis for consultation. A plain English summary would be provided to assist with the consultation.
RESOLVED: (i) That the consultation drafts of the Climate Change Framework and Climate Change Action Plan be approved.1
REASON: To progress the development of the CCF and CCAP.
(ii) That the risks to delivery of the CCF and CCAP, due to the ambition of the scale of the task and the city-wide, partnership working nature of the agenda, be noted.
REASON: To highlight the ambition of the CCF and CCAP, whilst noting the finite capacity of co-ordinating and delivering them through the Council’s existing Sustainability Team.
(iii) That the Council’s role in delivering the CCF and CCAP, and ensuring delivery through the various delivery mechanisms for which they are responsible, be acknowledged.
REASON: To ensure that the City of York Council plays a lead role in delivery of the CCF and CCAP. |
A Low Emission Strategy for York PDF 125 KB This report seeks approval for the development of an overarching low emission strategy for York and provides an update on the successful joint bid with Leeds City Council to become ‘Regional Low Emission Champions’. Decision: RESOLVED: (i) That the development of an overarching Low Emissions Strategy for York be supported and that the award to York and Leeds of the regional low emission championship be noted.
REASON: To accelerate the uptake of low emission measures in the City, helping to improve local air quality, protect health and reduce damage to historic buildings, as well as allowing a more co-ordinated approach to local air quality management and carbon reduction and enabling York to become the UK’s first low emission city.
(ii) That the Air Quality Steering Group be requested in future to report on their activities via the Carbon Management Board, which should be re-named and take on a broader remit.
REASON: In order to integrate the work of these two bodies and prevent any conflict between the Council’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the apparent increase in nitrogen dioxide levels. Minutes: Members considered a report which sought approval to develop an overarching low emission strategy (LES) for York and provided an update on the successful joint bid with Leeds City Council to become ‘Regional Low Emission Champions’.
Local air quality and greenhouse gas reduction were currently dealt with as separate issues in York, resulting in some conflicting policies. An overarching strategy would address these conflicts and strengthen the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP), which at present was failing to deliver the necessary air quality improvements. It would also allow the development of emission-based policies for the procurement of goods and services and the management of the Council’s buildings and vehicle fleet.
In January 2010, York and Leeds had successfully bid to become one of three Regional Low Emission Champions under the government-funded LES Partnership. As such, they would be expected to roll out low emission measures within their own areas and encourage other local authorities to do the same. Development of an exemplar overarching LES in York was one of the key aims of the Leeds City Region grouping.
In response to questions from Members, Officers confirmed that the air quality work carried out in York had been cited by government as an example of best practice. Having noted the comments of the Labour Group spokespersons on this item, it was
RESOLVED: (i) That the development of an overarching Low Emissions Strategy for York be supported and that the award to York and Leeds of the regional low emission championship be noted.1
REASON: To accelerate the uptake of low emission measures in the City, helping to improve local air quality, protect health and reduce damage to historic buildings, as well as allowing a more co-ordinated approach to local air quality management and carbon reduction and enabling York to become the UK’s first low emission city.
(ii) That the Low Emission Strategy Steering Group (formerly the Air Quality Steering Group) be requested in future to report on their activities via the Carbon Management Board, which should be re-named and take on a broader remit.2
REASON: In order to integrate the work of these two bodies and prevent any conflict between the Council’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the apparent increase in nitrogen dioxide levels. |