Issue - meetings

Review & Strategy for the Commercial Property Portfolio

Meeting: 30/10/2007 - Executive Member For Corporate Services and Advisory Panel (Item 34)

34 Review & Strategy for the Commercial Property Portfolio pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Further to the introductory report to Corporate Services EMAP on 11 September 2007, attached to this report as Annex A is the exempt full report on the review of the Commercial Portfolio. The review forms a Service Asset Management Plan linking to the council’s approved Corporate Asset Management Plan. 


(Due to the size of confidential Annex A, hard copies have only been provided to Members and key officers, but copies are available on the Council’s intranet or from the report author (contact details are at the end of the report) or Democracy Support Group on 01904 551088.)

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the report be received and the performance of the Commercial Portfolio be noted;

(ii)         That a yearly report on Performance Indicators as identified in the report be received;

(iii)       That any proceeds received from selling any of the properties suitable for disposal (excluding those receipts already committed to fund the approved capital programme) should be put into a fund to be used for future acquisitions and investments;

(iv)        That the views of Members expressed at the meeting be referred to the Executive on 20 November to inform the council’s future policy on its non-operational and operational Property Portfolios.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To provide Members input to the Commercial Property Review, to set targets for future performance and to identify actions on individual properties as determined at the meeting.


Further to the introductory report to Corporate Services EMAP on 11 September 2007, attached to this report as Annex A was the exempt full report on the review of the Commercial Portfolio. The review formed a Service Asset Management Plan linking to the council’s approved Corporate Asset Management Plan. 


Options and analysis relating to policy in respect of the properties were discussed at the meeting. Any properties which might be suitable for disposal would be the subject of a separate report, as this review focussed on performance and policy only.


Members suggested that any proceeds received from selling any of the properties suitable for disposal (excluding those receipts already committed to fund the approved capital programme) should be put into a fund to be used for future acquisitions and investments.


Members requested that a yearly report be brought to EMAP on the Performance Indicators identified in the report.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the report be received and the performance of the Commercial Portfolio be noted;

(ii)         That a yearly report on Performance Indicators as identified in the report be received;

(iii)       That any proceeds received from selling any of the properties suitable for disposal (excluding those receipts already committed to fund the approved capital programme) should be put into a fund to be used for future acquisitions and investments;

(iv)        That the views of Members expressed at the meeting be referred to the Executive on 20 November to inform the council’s future policy on its non-operational and operational Property Portfolios.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To provide Members input to the Commercial Property Review, to set targets for future performance and to identify actions on individual properties as determined at the meeting.


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