Issue - meetings

Noise Patrol Update

Meeting: 17/10/2007 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel (Item 36)

36 Noise Complaints Update pdf icon PDF 56 KB

This report updates Members on the out of hours noise enforcement service.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:

(i)                 Note the report, and that the service would only continue after 31 March 2008 if funding were made available.

(ii)               Recommend that funding for the service be included as a growth bid in next year’s budget.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel, as set out above, be accepted and endorsed.


REASONS:    (i)         For information on the steps being taken to deal with noise nuisance.

                        (ii)        To ensure continuation of the service.


Members received a report which responded to their request for an update on the out of hours noise enforcement service.


It was reported that, since the introduction of the Noise Patrol in April 2006, the total number of noise complaints received by the Environmental Protection Unit (EPU) had increased by 75%, and continued to grow.  The appointment of an additional (temporary) environmental protection officer to 31 March 1998 had enabled the EPU to manage the additional work.  Noise Patrol had also helped EPU to work more effectively in partnership with other agencies and to check compliance with licensing and planning conditions.  Since April 2006, officers on Noise Patrol had made over 800 visits to premises out of hours.  114 noise abatement notices had been served during 2006/07, compared to 16 in 2005/06.  The cost of the service would be met from the existing budget and LPSA2 grant allocation until 31 March 2008.


In response to queries from Members, Officers reported that a total of 1,382 noise complaints had been received, of which 73% related to domestic premises.  The Executive Member thanked Officers for their hard work in providing a valued service to residents and noted that he had written to the Minister seeking the continuation of grant funding.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:

(i)                 Note the report, and that the service would only continue after 31 March 2008 if funding were made available.

(ii)               Recommend that funding for the service be included as a growth bid in next year’s budget.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel, as set out above, be accepted and endorsed.


REASONS:    (i)         For information on the steps being taken to deal with noise nuisance.

                        (ii)        To ensure continuation of the service.


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