Issue - meetings

Final report of Out of Hours Childcare Scrutiny review

Meeting: 05/03/2013 - Executive (Item 105)

105 Scrutiny Review of Out of Hours Childcare pdf icon PDF 86 KB

This report sets out the recommendations arising from the Scrutiny Review into Out of Hours Childcare. A copy of the full final report is at Appendix 1 and Councillor Runciman, a member of the Task Group who undertook the work around this topic, will be in attendance at the meeting to present the report.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:

i)             Note the contents of the final report of the Out of Hours Childcare Scrutiny Review at Appendix 1 of the report.

ii)            The implementation of recommendations 1 to 8, as listed at paragraph 4 of the report.

REASON:                   To fully inform the Cabinet of the outcome of this scrutiny review.



Consideration was given to a report which set out the recommendations arising from the Scrutiny Review into Out of Hours Childcare, with a copy of the full final report attached at Annex 1.

Councillor Runciman, as a member of the Task Group attended the meeting and presented the report to Cabinet. She confirmed that after discussion it had been agreed to slightly move the focus of Cllr Douglas’s original proposal to out of hour’s childcare and the impact that a lack of this had on those working outside of standard hours.

Members were informed that this had been an interesting, quick review and that some of the changes were already in place. Cllr Runciman thanked the Family Information Service for their valued assistance and she asked Cabinet to support the following recommendations arising from the review:

Recommendation 1     That the Family Information Service Manager, by means of the childcare audit, audit childcare providers to gather more detailed information on their out of hours availability


Recommendation 2     That the Family Information Service Manager update search routes online to:

·                                  Allow families to search for out of hours or flexible childcare

·                                  Introduce an advanced search feature allowing families to specify required windows of time


Recommendation 3     That the Family Information Service Manager ensures that a new page be created on the YorOK website providing parents with advice on finding informal childcare/babysitters


Recommendation 4     That as the Council has recently taken back in house the work relating to the recruitment of childminders the Family Information Service Manager ensure that future work targets existing and potential childcarers in key areas to highlight the need for some out of hours and flexible childcare


Recommendation 5     That the Family Information Service Manager incorporates into the Family Information Service’s Awareness Strategy support options around out of hours childcare to:

·                                  parents and carers

·                                  potential providers of flexible childcare


Recommendation 6     That the Family Information Service promote and market the additional information and search functions on out of hours childcare on its website to parents and carers through press releases and additions to any printed information such as leaflets and posters


Recommendation 7     That the Family Information Service Manager organise a further event for employers around being family friendly as identified in option 3 at paragraph 16 of this report


Recommendation 8     That the Family Information Service Manager report back to Economic and City Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee after the next Annual Childcare Audit to give an update on the outcomes of the audit and progress on the implementation of the recommendations arising from this review


The Cabinet Member confirmed that the Task Groups  recommendations appeared to be by and large focussed and acceptable. Reference was made to the huge pressure on families to work hours that were not considered normal and that consideration needed to be given to the effect of this on children, balancing the authorities child safety responsibilities with child care provision.


Officers confirmed their commitment to the ‘Childcare Sufficiency Statement’ which would highlight the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 105


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