Issue - meetings

Acres Farm, Naburn Lane, Naburn

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Executive (Item 95)

95 Disposal of Acres Farm, Naburn pdf icon PDF 99 KB

This report seeks Cabinet approval for the sale of Acres Farm to the fourth highest bidder following the earlier approval to sell the property given by the Executive on 17 April 2003.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That, subject to the inclusion of a condition regarding any future change of use, Cabinet agree to the sale of Acres Farm to Bidder D on the grounds that it reflects a reasonable market value for the land and creates a significant economic benefit for the city through the creation of jobs and training and best meets the requirements of the Asset Strategy and Council Plan.

REASON:            To ensure the Council disposes of the land and buildings for the best consideration reasonably obtainable whilst also helping to deliver the objectives of the Council Plan.



Consideration was given to a report that sought approval for the sale of Acres Farm, Naburn to the fourth highest bidder.  The sale of the property, which was located in a semi rural position approximately three miles south of York city centre, had been approved by the Executive on 17 April 2003.


Consideration was then given to the following options:

Option1  Dispose of Acres Farm to Bidder A

Option 2 Dispose of Acres Farm to Bidder B

Option 3 Dispose of Acres Farm to Bidder C

Option 4 Dispose of Acres Farm to Bidder D


Members agreed that it was important to put safeguards in place regarding any future change of use of the site.


RESOLVED:       That, subject to the inclusion of a condition

regarding any future change of use, Cabinet agree to the sale of Acres Farm to Bidder D on the grounds that it reflects a reasonable market value for the land and creates a significant economic benefit for the city through the creation of jobs and training and best meets the requirements of the Asset Strategy and Council Plan. 1.


REASON:            To ensure the Council disposes of the land and buildings for the best consideration reasonably obtainable whilst also helping to deliver the objectives of the Council Plan.


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