Issue - meetings

Q1 Finance & performance monitor 2012/13

Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Executive (Item 21)

21 2012-13 Performance and Finance Monitor 1 pdf icon PDF 216 KB

The purpose of this report is to set out the performance of the Council in delivering its Council Plan priorities and report progress on delivering the revenue budget, covering the period 1 April 2012 to 30 June 2012.  The report sets out headline performance in the delivery of the Council Plan and projected performance against budget.



RESOLVED:       That Cabinet notes the current projected pressures of £5,937k and that strategies are being prepared to mitigate this position.


REASON:            In order to ensure expenditure is kept within budget.



Consideration was given to a report which set out the Council’s performance in delivering its Council Plan priorities and revenue budget, covering the period 1 April to 30 June 2012.


The report outlined the challenges facing the authority with continued pressure to improve education and social care services but with increased care spending. Local Government had been required to reduce its expenditure by around 28 % over a four year period with York having taken in excess of £40m from its budget over the last 4 years.


Early financial pressures for 2012/13 had been identified totalling £5.937k across all directorate budgets. Extensive work was however being carried out to ensure that these pressures were mitigated by the end of the financial year. Further information on work undertaken on performance and delivery in relation to the Council Plan was set out at paragraphs 14 to 44 of the report. With a financial overview by directorate at Table 1 and financial outturn for these directorates at paragraphs 52 to 77.


Members were reminded of the minimum level for the General Fund reserve at £6.1m or 5% of the net budget. The February budget had included the addition of £250k to the reserved to provide an appropriate level of headroom.


Members confirmed the challenges facing them, following severe cuts in funding, and praised staff for their hard work in continuing to deliver some excellent services. The importance of Cabinet Members working closely with their Directors and Assistant Directors was stressed to mitigate any pressure points.


Officers reiterated the challenges facing the authority, reassuring members that officers were committed to bringing the budget back on track by the end of the year.


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet notes the current projected pressures of £5,937k and that strategies are being prepared to mitigate this position.


REASON:            In order to ensure expenditure is kept within budget.



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