Issue - meetings

Finance and Performance Outturn 2011/12

Meeting: 17/07/2012 - Executive (Item 8)

8 2011-12 Finance and Performance Monitor pdf icon PDF 184 KB

This report provides a summary of the finance and performance progress for 2011-12. Performance has been presented under the five Council Plan priority themes.

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RESOLVED:             That Cabinet notes the year end under spend of £349k and the transfer of this to the General Contingency.


REASON:                  To ensure significant financial issues can be appropriately dealt with.



Members considered a report which provided a summary of the finance and performance progress for 2011-12.


It was reported that the net General Fund budget for 2011-12 of £123,900k had a provisional outturn under spend of £349k, an improvement of £1.3m since Monitor 3. Headline information on a directorate by directorate basis was set out at Table 1 with the key variances and details of pressures on services under the various budgets summarised at paragraphs 7 to 43 of the report. Information on the years achievements were set out at paragraph 20.


As the General Contingency had been reinstated and the General Fund was now above its minimum recommended level it was proposed that the 2011-12 under spend would be transferred to the General Contingency.


Information regarding performance against the Council Plan priorities were reported at paragraphs 48 to 81of the report. In the coming year it was confirmed that there would be a number of areas focussed on including housing availability in the city, the cumulative impact of the recession on residents and the trialling/implementing of new models for delivering services.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED:             That Cabinet notes the year end under spend of £349k and the transfer of this to the General Contingency.


REASON:                  To ensure significant financial issues can be appropriately dealt with.


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