Issue - meetings

Crime Summit 2011

Meeting: 04/10/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning (Item 15)

15 Crime Summit 2011 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

This report sets out proposals for the development of a Crime Summit for the City of York to be held on an annual basis from 2012 onwards.




RESOLVED:       That Option 2 – to host an annual Crime Summit in the spring of each year aimed at attracting all age groups and involving a range of stakeholders engaged in work to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour within York, be approved.


REASON:            To ensure the best opportunity to gain maximum attendance and ensure that residents’ priorities and concerns feature within the future delivery plans of the community safety partnership.  It also demonstrates recognition of the value of localism in determining community safety service provision.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that set out proposals for the development of a Crime Summit for the City of York to be held on an annual basis from 2012 onwards.


Officers explained that York and North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnerships were currently undertaking their annual Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessments in order to redefine the community safety plans for 2012-13.  It would therefore be timely to link this process with a crime summit to ensure that action plans aligned to the Community Safety Plan demonstrated a balance between meeting the priority issues identified directly by communities as well as working toward addressing the high level priorities identified through multi-agency data analysis.


The Cabinet Member was asked to consider the following options:


Option 1 – Host a one day market in Parliament Street in the

                  format of previous Face the Public events.


          Option 2 – Host an event on a Saturday aimed at attracting

                            all age groups and involving a range of

                            stakeholders engaged in work to reduce crime

                            and anti-social behaviour within York.


Referring to Councillor Healey’s suggestion that smaller local events should be held at the major supermarkets rather than holding an event in Parliament Street, the Cabinet Member acknowledged that events held in Parliament Street may engage with a high number of tourists and may not reflect the views of residents.  Nevertheless, a commitment had been made to host a focussed and high profile event, and it was important that this took place.   Such an event would not preclude other more local activities also being arranged.


RESOLVED:       That Option 2 – to host an annual Crime Summit in the spring of each year aimed at attracting all age groups and involving a range of stakeholders engaged in work to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour within York, be approved.


REASON:            To ensure the best opportunity to gain maximum attendance and ensure that residents’ priorities and concerns feature within the future delivery plans of the community safety partnership.  It also demonstrates recognition of the value of localism in determining community safety service provision.


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