Issue - meetings

Dunnington A166 Church Balk junction improvements

Meeting: 01/12/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 58)

58 Dunnington: A166 Church Balk junction improvements pdf icon PDF 114 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of proposals to introduce traffic islands and changes to road markings on the A166 at the Church Balk junction in Dunnington.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:   i)            That the Executive Member approves for implementation the scheme shown in Annex A with the following amendments :-

·                    traffic islands removed

·                    red surfacing added inside hatched road markings.


ii)            That Officers be requested to keep the area under observation with a view to bringing forward proposals for further physical safety works should this prove to be necessary.

REASON:                  To address road safety concerns and deter overtaking manoeuvres on the A166 at the Church Balk junction in Dunnington. The amendments respond to consultation feedback on the original proposals.


The Executive Member considered a report, which advised him of proposals to introduce traffic islands and changes to road markings on the A166 at the Church Balk junction in Dunnington. The scheme was intended to make the junction safer and easier for turning traffic.


Officers confirmed that the outline design developed for consultation included:

  • A ‘double white line’ road marking scheme to deter overtaking on the A166 in the vicinity of this junction and
  • Traffic islands to physically deter overtaking, and reinforcement of the white line marking proposals.


It was reported that, following consultation, concerns had been raised regarding the road width available adjacent to the proposed traffic islands. Following further investigation Officers had indicated that omitting traffic islands from the scheme would be considered acceptable as the main deterrent to overtaking would be the road markings which could be enhanced by the addition of red surfacing to emphasis the approaches to the right turn.


Councillor Pierce, was in attendance and spoke on behalf of John Lee and his sister whose brother had been killed in a motorbike accident at the junction. He confirmed that no blame had been attributed but that his relatives felt that only the provision of traffic islands would provide the necessary physical deterrent to overtaking and prevent future accidents.


The Executive Member confirmed that this had been a difficult issue as it had been expected that it would have proved practical to install traffic islands adjacent to this junction to improve safety. However professional advisors had pointed out that the islands themselves might be a safety issue in relation to cyclists. On balance it seemed wise to agree a revised scheme.


Consideration was given to the following options:

Option 1 - authorise implementation of the original scheme shown at Annex A


Option 2 - approve for implementation an amended scheme without traffic islands but with red surfacing added inside hatched road markings, plus any other changes to the proposals that the Executive Member considers necessary.


Option 3 - abandon the scheme


RESOLVED:   i)            That the Executive Member approves for implementation the scheme shown in Annex A with the following amendments: -

·                    traffic islands removed

·                    red surfacing added inside hatched road markings. 1.


ii)            That Officers be requested to keep the area under observation with a view to bringing forward proposals for further physical safety works should this prove to be necessary. 2.

REASON:                  To address road safety concerns and deter overtaking manoeuvres on the A166 at the Church Balk junction in Dunnington. The amendments respond to consultation feedback on the original proposals.


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