Issue - meetings

Review of Grants Policy

Meeting: 02/06/2008 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 10)

10 Review of Grants Policy pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The purpose of the report is to brief the Executive Member and outline the proposed changes to the Grants and Assistance Policy  regarding the:

a)     Energy Efficiency Grant –amending  the eligibility criteria to take account of the national changes to the priorities group and

b)      Disabled Facilities Grants Programme –to  provide a brief summary of the Governments proposals  to improving programme delivery, giving the York context and to request that  a letter is sent to Government Office regarding the impact on the funding arrangements

Additional documents:


Advice of Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the contents of the report, and that a letter has been sent to Government Office expressing the Council’s concern over the budget allocation;

(ii)               Approve the revision to the existing policy in line with this interim review, including:

a.     The change to the eligibility criteria for the energy efficiency grant

b.     The briefing on proposed changes to the DFG (noting the short term and long term impact of the changes on the delivery of the disabled facilities grant programme)

c.      Endorsement of the Council’s adaptation programme across all tenures (noting the potential financial implications) and continued support for this area of work.


Decision of Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To respond to changes in national policy and to assist vulnerable residents of the City of York.


Members considered a report which informed them of proposed changes to the Grants and Assistance Policy with regard to the Energy Efficiency Grant and the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) Programme.


The changes had arisen from national policy developments.  The Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT), which came into effect on 1 April 2008, required suppliers to direct at least 40% of carbon savings to a priority group of low income and elderly customers.  This would affect the uptake of the Energy Efficiency Grant currently offered by the Council.  Changes were therefore proposed to maximise eligibility for the grant, including lowering the age criteria for grants for cavity wall and loft insulation and for heating measures to meet decent homes standards. 


The government had recently published a package of reforms to the DFG, as part of an ongoing review.  These included significant key changes, particularly in relation to funding and allocations.  It was noted that while funding for the programme had increased, this was not reflected in York’s allocation for 2008/09.  A letter had been sent to Government Office expressing disappointment at this year’s allocation and requesting details of the new approach being developed for allocations in future years.  A response had now been received, indicating that the comments would be taken into account when considering next year’s allocations.  Information was awaited on a proposal for discretionary consent, which would enable the Council to place a charge on adapted properties of owner occupiers, where the DFG exceeded £5k.


Members were invited to consider the following options:

Option 1 – revise the existing policy in line with this interim review, as recommended in the report and the amended Policy attached as Annex 1;

Option 2 – maintain the current policy with no revisions;

Option 3 – amend the proposals outlined in the report.


In response to a query raised during discussion, Officers agreed to look into the reason why the Kirklees model of loans to home owners could not be used in York and inform the Member concerned.1


Advice of Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the contents of the report, and that a letter has been sent to Government Office expressing the Council’s concern over the budget allocation;

(ii)               Approve the revision to the existing policy in line with this interim review, including:2

a.     The change to the eligibility criteria for the energy efficiency grant

b.     The briefing on proposed changes to the DFG (noting the short term and long term impact of the changes on the delivery of the disabled facilities grant programme)

c.      Endorsement of the Council’s adaptation programme across all tenures (noting the potential financial implications) and continued support for this area of work.


Decision of Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To respond to changes in national policy and to assist vulnerable residents of the City of York.


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