Issue - meetings

Petition to extend the Hessay speed limit

Meeting: 17/03/2008 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 99)

99 Petition for Extension to the Speed Limit - Shirbutt Lane, Hessay. pdf icon PDF 30 KB

This report is in response to receipt of a petition that requests the extension of the 30mph speed limit in Hessay along the length of Shirbutt Lane.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That Option A be approved, and the speed limit on Shirbutt Lane be extended.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To address the concerns of residents about the excessive speed of some vehicles on this stretch of road.


Members received a report which responded to receipt of a petition that requested the extension of the 30mph speed limit in Hessay along the length of Shirbutt Lane.


The report presented the following options for consideration:

·  Option A – To extend the speed limit along the length of Shirbutt Lane;

·  Option B – To reject the request for an extension of the speed limit but erect a traffic sign warning motorists of pedestrians in the road and mark “SLOW” on the carriageway before the junction with Low Moor Lane.


The results of a speed survey, which demonstrated that average vehicle speeds were not above the speed limit, were presented to the meeting.  It was also reported that North Yorkshire Police did not support lowering the speed limit.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That Option A be approved, and the speed limit on Shirbutt Lane be extended.1


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To address the concerns of residents about the excessive speed of some vehicles on this stretch of road.


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