Issue - meetings

Capital Programme Specification Change Update

Meeting: 17/03/2008 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 61)

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This report presents proposals for the adoption of a policy for the replacement of focal point fires in customers homes.


Members considered a report, which presented proposals regarding the adoption of a policy for the replacement of focal point fires to customer homes. Officers reported that the Authority had no direct policy in operation governing the choices available for customers when focal point fires were replaced.


It was reported that there were still specific requests for replacement gas fires but that the longer-term impacts of these installations often contradicted the Council’s responsibilities to value for money and sustainability. In view of this members were asked to consider the following options:


Option 1 - Do not fit any new focal point fires.

Option 2 - Replace all fires with electric

Option 3 - Give customer’s choice


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)That the Executive Member agree Option 2 to adopt a policy to replace all focal point fires with electric in customers homes as set out in paragraph 9 of the report.1


ii)                  That Officers investigate with suppliers bulk purchasing arrangements for energy, including any legal implications, and email members the results of their enquiries.2


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  As electric fires offer value for money, are efficient and reduce health and safety risks for customers.


Members considered a report, which presented proposals regarding the adoption of a policy for the replacement of focal point fires to customer homes. Officers reported that the Authority had no direct policy in operation governing the choices available for customers when focal point fires were replaced.


It was reported that there were still specific requests for replacement gas fires but that the longer-term impacts of these installations often contradicted the Council’s responsibilities to value for money and sustainability. In view of this members were asked to consider the following options:


Option 1 - Do not fit any new focal point fires.

Option 2 - Replace all fires with electric

Option 3 - Give customer’s choice


In answer to members questions Officers confirmed that tenants were able to choose their energy supplier and that they would examine bulk purchasing of energy for tenants. They also confirmed that tenants were offered 4 types of electric fires in a choice of colours.


The Executive Member confirmed that the Energy Advice Centre were able to advise tenants on fuel options, how to save money, energy and the environment.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)That the Executive Member agree Option 2 to adopt a policy to replace all focal point fires with electric in customers homes as set out in paragraph 9 of the report.1


ii)                  That Officers investigate with suppliers bulk purchasing arrangements for energy, including any legal implications, and email members the results of their enquiries.2


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  As electric fires offer value for money, are efficient and reduce health and safety risks for customers.


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