Decision details

Ward Schemes Batch 10 To approve the ward funding decisions in the annex to this report

Decision Maker: Director of Housing and Communities

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Ward Schemes Batch 10

Budgets are made available to wards in the form of a single, integrated pot that wards can use flexibly to help address their priorities and to develop community initiatives which benefit residents. The budgets may be used to give grants or to buy services which contribute to the Council Plan priorities of
• Equality of Opportunity
• Affordability
• Climate Change
• Health and Wellbeing
and are considered by ward committees who make recommendations to support an officer decision.

Options Considered:

• Approve all the spending recommendations by the wards.
• Decline all the spending recommendations by the wards
• Approve in part the recommendations by wards
• Decline in part the recommendations by the wards

Options Rejected:

• Decline all the spending recommendations by the wards
• Approve in part the recommendations by wards
• Decline in part the recommendations by the wards

Publication date: 03/10/2024

Date of decision: 02/10/2024

Accompanying Documents:


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