Decision details

Acknowledgement of Petitions

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To acknowledge receipt of a number of petitions received and outline the proposed course of action where appropriate.

The Executive Member will be asked to note the receipt of the following petitions and proposed course of action.

• Improve the footway running to north side of Field Lane from its junction with Church Lane to Sussex Road so that it is wide enough for wheelchair and buggy users and for 2 people to pass without having to walk on the grass verge presented by Andrew Mortimer.

• Petition presented by Carole Green, on behalf of residents of Bishopthorpe and along the No 11 bus route requesting permanent funding of this route.

• Cllr Hook on behalf of residents of Skelton calling for the installation of a pedestrian crossing to allow safe crossing to all between Fairfield Croft and Fairfield Drive.

• Cllr Fisher on behalf of residents of Moor Lane and Princess Road in Strensall, seeking to have these roads fully resurfaced.

Also to reference any other petitions received between now and the end of December 2022.




                      i.                 Improve the footway running to north side of Field Lane from its junction with Church Lane to Sussex Road so that it is wide enough for wheelchair and buggy users and for 2 people to pass without having to walk on the grass verge.


Noted progress on this item in terms of hedge management and exploration of footway scheme.


                    ii.                Requesting permanent funding for the number 11 bus from Bishopthorpe. Responded to at the November 2022 Executive meeting.


Noted that no further action was required.


                   iii.                Installation of a pedestrian crossing to allow safe crossing to all between Fairfield Croft and Fairfield Drive in Skelton.


Noted progress on this item. In terms of further review.


                   iv.                Moor Lane and Princess Road in Strensall, seeking to have these roads fully resurfaced.


Noted progress on this item in terms of further inspection and review.


                    v.                The council is asked to provide options for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood to reduce through traffic on residential streets in this area (Westminster Road, Greencliffe Drive and The Avenue) 7 on the waiting list, 2 or 3 LTN


Noted that this item will be added to the lists of interventions to be considered at an Executive Member Decision session in the later in the year.


                   vi.                Action to tackle the problems of vehicles using St Benedict Road as a 'rat run'.


Noted that this item will be added to the lists of interventions to be considered at an Executive Member Decision session in the later in the year.


                 vii.                The application of parking permits (resident parking scheme) on Highcliffe Court


Noted that this item will be added to the lists of interventions to be considered at an Executive Member Decision session in the later in the year.


               viii.                 Executive member for Transport to agree a scheme for closure to through traffic for the old village, Huntington.


Noted that this item will be added to the lists of interventions to be considered at an Executive Member Decision session in the later in the year.


Officers to inform residents of the Enginerring and Saftey Officer’s assessment to be undertaken and short, medium, and long term possible interventions identifed.


Reason:     To respond to residents’ concerns and implement, if possible, the appropriate measure.


Report author: Dave Atkinson

Publication date: 18/01/2023

Date of decision: 17/01/2023

Decided at meeting: 17/01/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 20/01/2023

Accompanying Documents:


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