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Executive Member for Transport Decision Session

Meeting date:


Report of:

James Gilchrist Director of Transport Environment and Planning

Portfolio of:

Cllr Ravilious, Executive Member for Transport

Decision Report: To acknowledge receipt of a petition to review road safety around Fishergate Primary School.

Subject of Report


1.   This report considers an e-petition titled “Fishergate Primary School Road Safety” which was open to signatures in December 2023 and January 2024 (the redacted petition is provided in Annex A). The petition received 184 signatures.

2.   The report considers the objectives of the petition and the changes it proposes. It proposes to consider the issues raised and feasible options to address them through Council’s Safe Routes to School programme during 2024/25.


Benefits and Challenges


3.   If the recommended option is approved, a feasibility study would be undertaken to look to improve the safety for pedestrians and cyclists travelling in the vicinity of Fishergate Primary School (see location plan and aerial view provided in Annexes B and C).

4.   This report proposes that the area of concern be included in the programme of works for 2024/25 under the Council’s Safe Routes to School programme (for feasibility work).

5.   Road safety issues have been raised in the petition and observed by officers when attending the site. If feasibility work is not carried out and the issues remain unaddressed then the road safety issues identified would continue to occur.


Policy Basis for Decision


6.   The proposal to carry out feasibility work to identify measures which could address road safety issues identified in the area around Fishergate Primary School is aligned with the following strategies

a.   The Council Plan core commitments, specifically:

                                         i.    Equalities and Human Rights – as this area is used by children and their families to access schools

b.   The Council Plan priorities, specifically:

                                         i.    Transport: Sustainable, accessible transport for all

c.   The Local Transport Plan 2011-2031, specifically:

                                         i.    Significantly improving the other forms of transport so that people choose an alternative to the car for local journeys;

                                        ii.    Providing good connections from where people live to major destinations;

                                      iii.    Improving safety, health and the city’s appearance and the environment.


Financial Strategy Implications


7.   Feasibility studies are funded through the Council’s Capital Programme with a preliminary cost estimate of £7,000. It is proposed that this is included in the Safe Routes to School programme for 2024/25.

8.   The feasibility study is likely to identify measures which will result in additional costs for their implementation. This will be considered and prioritised through the Council’s transport programme process.


Recommendation and Reasons


9.   The Executive Member is recommended to:

a.   Acknowledge the petition and the concerns raised by the petitioners with regards to road safety in and around the area of Fishergate School;

b.   Approve the inclusion of the Fishergate School area into the Council’s Safe Routes to School programme for 2024/25 to enable a feasibility study to be conducted and officers to report back once the study is completed.

Reasons: To review the issues identified by the petitioners and CYC officers and identify possible measures to address them and improve road safety in the vicinity of Fishergate School.




10.                A petition was submitted to City of York Council in January 2024 titled “Fishergate Primary School Road Safety”. The petition received 184 signatures. The redacted petition is provided in Annex A.

11.                The petition asked:

a.   The Council to carry out a review of road safety around Fishergate Primary School;

b.   That the review should recommend improvements to road design so that children feel safe when they walk or cycle to school; and

c.   That City of York Council identify funding for the improvements identified by the review.

12.                Fishergate School meets the national guideline criteria for a school crossing patrol. Recruitment for the School Crossing Patrollers has been challenging with posts vacant across the city. Fishergate School’s post has been vacant for several years. A city-wide recruitment campaign is on-going, with information being shared with the school and the wider community to try to attract suitable candidates.  

13.                It is noted that a petition for a Zebra Crossing at the Kent Street / Fawcett Street Junction was considered by the Executive Member for Transport on 11 May 2021 (further information available here: The location was assessed by officers and did not meet the criteria for the provision of a controlled crossing. The criteria used for this assessment are currently the subject of a review. Once the new criteria are adopted, this location will be assessed again to check whether a controlled crossing facility should be provided.



Consultation Analysis


14.                Initial internal consultations have taken place to prepare this report as well as discussions with and visits to the school.

15.                Consultation will take place as part of feasibility study and on any recommended measures presented as part of the study.

Options Analysis and Evidential Basis


16.                Option 1 – Approve the inclusion of the Fishergate School area into the Council’s Safe Routes to School programme for 2024/25 to enable a feasibility study to be conducted and officers to report back once the study is completed.

17.                Option 2 – Reject the inclusion of the area into the Council’s Safe Routes to School programme for 2024/25.

18.                Option 3 - Reject the inclusion of the area into the Council’s Safe Routes to School programme for 2024/25 and ask officer to present a revised scope or approach.

Organisational Impact and Implications


19.                The following impacts were identified:

a.   Financial - estimated costs of £7,000 for feasibility will be funded from the Council’s Capital Spend Programme 2024/25, as part of the existing allocation for the Safe Routes to School programme. Any further costs identified from the feasibility study will be considered and prioritised through the Council’s Transport programme process. If the feasibility study does not result in the creation of a capital scheme, the costs will need to be charged to revenue.

b.   Human Resources (HR) – There are no implications identified.

c.   Legal – There are no implications identified.

d.   Procurement – There are no implications identified. Any works identified in the feasibility study would be procured according to the Council’s rules and policies.

e.   Health and Wellbeing – No implications identified, any improvements to the crossing point would benefit wider objectives on active travel to school and related health issues.

f.     Environment and Climate Action – No implications identified, any improvements to the crossing point would benefit wider objectives on active travel to school and related environmental issues.

g.   Affordability - There are no implications identified

h.   Equalities and Human Rights – There are no specific implications identified at this stage although any improvements to road safety near the school would be likely to benefit some groups with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 (including age, disability, pregnancy, etc). The feasibility work will consider equality impact and an equality impact assessment will be completed as required to assess the impact of proposed changes/options.

i.     Data Protection and Privacy – No implications identified.

j.     Communications - No implications identified.

k.   Economy – No implications identified.


Risks and Mitigations


20.                No significant risks identified at this stage; risks will be considered as part of the feasibility study (see recommended option).


Wards Impacted


21.                Ward impacted by the decision: Fishergate.


Contact details.


For further information please contact the authors of this Decision Report.





James Gilchrist

Job Title:

Director of Transport, Environment and Planning

Service Area:



01904 552547

Report approved:







Jayne Ward

Job Title:

Road Safety Officer

Service Area:



Background papers

No Background papers for this report.



Annex A – Copy of petition

Annex B – Location plan

Annex C – Aerial view of the area