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Cityof York Local Plan



Consolidated Additional Modifications



January 2023

1.            SECTION 1: BACKGROUND.. 3

2.            SECTION 2: VISION.. 3

3.            SECTION 3: SPATIAL STRATEGY. 4

4.            SECTION 4: ECONOMY AND RETAIL. 8

5.            SECTION 5: HOUSING.. 10

6.            SECTION 6: HEALTH AND WELLBEING.. 11

7.            SECTION 7: EDUCATION.. 14




11.          SECTION 11: CLIMATE CHANGE. 22


13.          SECTION 13: WASTE AND MINERALS. 25



16.          ANNEX A: GLOSSARY. 35



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Paragraph 1.68

This document was adopted in April 2022. is at an advanced stage and was submitted for examination in November  2017, with an Examination in February / March 2018 followed by adoption during 2018.



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification



The plan will ensure that the vision and outcomes are delivered in a sustainable way that recognises, adapts to and mitigates, the challenges of climate change, protects residents from environmental impacts and promotes social, economic and cultural wellbeing.


Paragraph 2.1

This will include York fulfilling its role as a key driver in the Leeds City Region1


1The Leeds City Region is a city region in the North of England centred on Leeds, West Yorkshire. The activities of the city region are coordinated by the Leeds City Region Partnership. Since 2011 economic development has been supported by the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)


Paragraph 2.3

·         protecting and enhancing its unique historic and cultural assets;


Paragraph 2.14

  • safeguard water resources and to protect and improve water quality with an overall aim of getting water bodies to achieving ‘good’ status under the Water Framework Directive in York’s surface and ground water bodies.


Policy DP1: York Sub area

i.              York fulfils its role as a key economic driver within both the Leeds City Region and the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP areas.


Paragraph 2.17

York’s wider strategic context includes the Leeds City Region, the North Yorkshire and York Sub region and two Local Enterprise Partnerships – the Leeds City Region LEP and the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP. The City of York falls within two sub-regions which are overlapping but self contained functional areas that were originally defined in the now partially revoked Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy.


  • the economic role of York in helping to deliver the ambitions of the Leeds City Region and York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP, as set out in their respective its Strategic Economic Plans;


Policy DP3: Sustainable Communities

New development, including all the allocated sites as identified on the proposals policies map, 


Paragraph 2.20

As such, development in York should encourage sustainable communities to form by ensuring the city is respected and enhanced, design, density, scale and builder materials are taken into consideration, social infrastructure is in place that promotes community interaction and cohesion, the city’s natural environment is protected and enhanced and given the Council’s constrained road networks, congestion and air quality problems, sustainable forms of transport are promoted, in accordance with the modal hierarchy adopted in York’s Local Transport Plan.



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy SS2 explanation – paragraph 3.13

The Plan seeks to identify sufficient land to accommodate York’s development needs across the plan period, 2012 7-2033.



Policy SS3: York City Centre

See also Policy SS4, SS5, EC1, R1, R3 and D1


Policy SS4: York Central

See also Policy SS3, EC1, R1 and R3


Policy SS4 explanation – paragraph 3.25

Whilst part of ST5 falls within the city centre boundary (as shown on the proposals Policies Map), in retail terms this element of York Central is ‘edge of centre’ as it is more than 300m from the Primary Shopping Area. The type and quantity of any retail provision on the York Central site would therefore need to be informed by a detailed retail assessment. It should be noted that ST5 is subject to detailed ongoing technical work and masterplanning which may change the overall capacity of the site.


Policy SS5: Castle Gateway

See also Policy SS3, R1, R2, D1, D4, D5, D6 and T5



Policy SS5 explanation – paragraph 3.30

The area contains a mix of private land ownerships and a substantial amount of public estate with four three museums / attractions (Castle Museum, Fairfax House, the York Army Museum and the Jorvik Viking Centre), three court buildings (Crown Court, County Court, Magistrates Court), many listed structures and a three Scheduled Ancient Monuments (Merchant’s Hall, St George’s Medieval Chapel and York Castle: motte and bailey castle, tower keep castle (including Clifford's Tower), and site of part of Romano-British fort-vicus and Anglian cemetery)of international significance (Clifford’s Tower).


Policy SS5 explanation – paragraph 3.32

The York Central Historic Core Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2011)… The Castle-Piccadilly Planning Brief, which was agreed in 2006, and 2018 Masterplan for Castle Gateway also provides an important evidence base.


Policy SS5 explanation – paragraph 3.34

A conceptual masterplan and detailed design of the public realm and infrastructure will have been prepared, focusing on conservation and urban design and including a Statement of Significance. The masterplan will shapes the key elements of the…


Policy SS5 – Delivery

Implementation: The Castle Gateway Masterplan 2018; Planning applications; developer contributions; commercial uplift from new development sites; and external funding opportunities.


Paragraph 3.39

All sites over 5 hectares, and those which form part of a larger site that is more than 5ha, are considered to be a strategic sites for the purposes of sites allocated in the Plan. Each of these sites has its own policy which covers relevant planning principles detailing issues that must be addressed as part of the development of the site including access, ecology, and green infrastructure. In most cases the Council will expect these matters to be dealt with through an approved masterplan.

AM3.11 ;

Policy SS6: British Sugar/Manor School

i.              Create a sustainable balanced community with an appropriate mix of housing informed by the Council’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment.


Policy SS6 explanation – paragraph 3.40

The overall quantum of the British Sugar portion of the site is 1,100 dwellings to reflect the latest planning application; the remaining 3.6ha on Manor School is being brought forward by City of York Council through its Housing Delivery Programme the Homes and Community Agency Strategic Partnership


Policy SS6 explanation – paragraph 3.41

This may include phasing development around the site to correspond to the lifecycle of these species. An archaeological desktop survey has revealed that onsite archaeology is likely to be low but further investigation may be required.


Policy SS8 explanation – paragraph 3.45

There is an existing neighbourhood parade within 400m of ST4 with a range of local facilities. however; road safety measures would need to be included to ensure safe passage across the dual carriageway to improve access, including to the eastbound bus stops on Hull Road


Policy SS10 explanation – paragraph 3.53

Contributions towards secondary provision will be sought with a new facility provided in association with ST7 (Land East of Metcalfe Lane).


Policy SS11 explanation – paragraph 3.56

The new open space shown on the proposals Policies Map…


Policy SS12 explanation – paragraph 3.61

The design and layout of the road should minimise the impact upon the openness of the Green Belt and demonstrate how it would safeguard those elements which contribute to the special character and setting of the historic City.


Policy SS13 explanation – paragraph 3.62

Development is anticipated to commence from 2022/23 2025/26


Policy SS13 explanation – paragraph 3.65

Currently the site has no access to facilities within close proximity and would be reliant on new facilities to be constructed as part of any development.


Policy SS13 explanation – paragraph 3.66

It is essential to secure public transport access to and within the site. Providing a south-east west to north-west east public transport route through the site could reach a large market and ensure that all parts of the site are within 400m of a public transport route… In addition to this, development should exploit any shared infrastructure opportunities arising from the proximity of the site to the University of York, Science Park and Sports Village. The site promoters will also continue to engage with National Highways over issues on the Strategic Road Network, with regard to the new grade separated junction and any management/mitigation required on the A64. CYC will work with National Highways to address identified issues arising in 2025 at Fulford Road junction.


Policy SS14 explanation – paragraph 3.70

Terry’s Extension Site Phase 1 (Terry’s Clock Tower) and Phase 3 (Land to the rear of Terry’s Factory) are is within the wider Terry’s development site. Terry’s Extension Site Phase 2 (Terry’s Car Park) is well contained on all four sides…


Policy SS14 explanation – paragraph 3.71

For both all three sites, development should… Although the Terry’s Extension Ssites (Phases 1 to 3) will generate some additional traffic it is likely that it will be low in comparison to the main site and the mitigation measures for these extension sites will be incorporated into the overall programme of measures to meet the planning permission conditions and obligations for the main site.


AM3.23  ;

Policy SS17 explanation – paragraph 3.77

Hungate is a 4.6 hectare site lying on the edge of the business and retail core of the city centre. The site has planning approval for a mix of high quality office, retail and residential uses; the first of 6 phases has been completed, comprising of 168 apartments and Phase 2, comprising of a further 195 apartments is nearing completion.


Policy SS18 explanation – paragraph 3.78

A generally well contained site, on the western edge of Wheldrake, the north and north west boundaries of the site are bounded by residential properties and by the existing developments at Wheldrake Industrial Estate. The north east boundary is Back Lane South which has an intermittent hedge. The south eastern boundary is a tall dense hedge, separating the site from the agricultural fields beyond – which runs for most of the southern boundary. However, the south western boundary (south of the industrial estate) appears to be relatively open with no defensible boundary above ground, although it does appear to partially follow a watercourse / ditch, separating the site with open fields to the south. The site will provide a natural extension to the developed settlement form of Wheldrake with clear defensible green belt boundaries


Policy SS20 explanation – paragraph 3.89

ST36 covers circa 30ha  with net developable area of approximately 19ha, and will deliver approximately 11 ha of public open space and an estimated yield of 769 dwellings.


Policy SS20 explanation – paragraph 3.90

Therefore the existing buildings need to be assessed as a group to contribute to the conservation area appraisal update and the parade ground as a design concept is also an important feature of the current site which needs to be retained considered in any future designs to compliment the understanding of the history of the site


Policy SS20 explanation – paragraph 3.93

A Habitat Regulations Assessment will be required to accompany any proposals for this site.


Policy SS21 explanation – paragraph 3.97

The site is suitable for B2/B8 uses as these would produce fewer trips than B1a (office) uses and would be easier to mitigate.


Policy SS23 explanation – paragraph 3.102

The allocation is reflective of forecast need for light industrial (Use Class E) B1c/B2/B8 uses over the plan period and a need for the Local Plan to allocate a range of employment sites to promote choice to the market.




Modification Reference

Proposed Modification

AM4.1 Introduction

Para 4.1

… Scenario 2 will enable York to realise its economic growth ambitions as set out within the York Economic Strategy (2016), and the Draft Economic Strategy (2022), contributing to a vibrant economy.  



Policy EC1

See also Policy SS1, SS22 and ED3 



Policy EC2

See also Policy SS1 and EC1



Policy EC3

See also Policy D1 and ENV2



Policy EC5

See also Policy EC1 and GB1



Policy EC5 – explanation


4.14        The land-based sector, and in particular agriculture, has undergone considerable restructuring over the post war period, and is set to continue to restructure as a consequence of both local and global changes. These changes are happening at a rapid rate, can be difficult to predict and are likely to exert a combination of positive and negative pressures on the Authorities rural economy…


Policy R1

See also Policy R2, R3 and R4



Policy R2

See also Policy R1, R3 and R4



Policy R2


4.24        Subject to detailed viability and deliverability work as part of site master planning, local convenience and retail provision may be required to support the provision for local day to day shopping needs through the development of new centres within some of the strategic housing allocations (as identified in Section 3: Spatial Strategy). Proposals for any new retail development at the strategic sites will be subject to detailed sequential test and, where required by Policy R1, retail impact assessment in accordance with Policy R1. The scale of any retail development should also be considered through a master planned approach. 



Policy R3

See also Policy SS3, SS4 and R1



Policy R3


4.34       A changing town centre environment is recognised, where non retail uses (use class A1) contribute to a much greater role in a competitive town centre where and shopping activity is becoming more of a leisure activity; where use class E A3 and A4 food and drink uses operate alongside and complement traditional shopping facilities. This is reinforced by changes to the Use Class Order in 2020 and the introduction of use class E. However it still remains important to manage the proportion of non A1 E uses (in retail use or capable of occupation by retailers) in the primary and secondary frontage to ensure that other uses support and do not dominant dominate the primary retail function of the area to ensure the future vitality and viability remains. This is further required given the increased competition from out-of-centre retail facilities to ensure the integrity of the retail of the city centre is not diminished.  


York Central

4.35        ST5: York Central provides an opportunity to accommodate retail floorspace as part of a vibrant mixed use community. The NPPF (2012) defines edge of centre for retail purposes as ‘well connected locations and up to 300m from PSA’. Whilst part of ST5 falls within the city centre boundary (as shown on the proposals policies map), in retail terms this element of York Central is ‘edge of centre’ as it is more than 300m from the PSA. However, York Central is sustainably located and the southern part of the site is well connected to the city centre as a whole. The type and quantity of any retail provision on the York Central site will be informed by the health and market share of the city centre, impact (retail and traffic impact) and sequential considerations at the time of application (and in accordance with the requirements of Policy R1 and R3) and would be subject to a detailed retail assessment.



Policy R4

See also Policy R1, R2, and R3





Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy H1

See also Policy GI5



Policy H1

Footnote 1


[1] C3(b): up to six people living together as a single household and receiving care e.g. supported housing schemes such as those for people with learning disabilities or mental health problems. The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended)


Policy H1 – Delivery

Implementation: Planning applications; Supplementary Planning Documents for Strategic Sites; and developer contributions



Policy H2

See also Policy D1, D4, T1 and T6


Policy H2 – explanation

5.19      The extent of the city centre is shown on the proposals Policies Map; the remaining defined areas referred to in the policy are described in Figure 5.2. Transport nodes and corridors are defined in Policy T1. In the city centre…


Policy H3 – explanation

See also Policy D1



Policy H3 - explanation

5.21      There will be a range of factors which influence demand for different sizes of homes over time, particularly demographic changes, housing affordability and the wider economic performance of the city. The council has undertaken a SHMA LHNA which has estimated the size of market and affordable homes required over the plan period. The SHMA LHNA (2022) identifies that for both market and affordable housing there is a need for a mix of house sizes across the city. The City of York Council SHMA and Addendum (2016) It suggests that the focus of new housing provision…


Policy H4 – explanation

See also Policy D1


Policy H5/H6


5.40      It is recognised that Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople have different needs and that the two different groups should not be located on the same areas of land. Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople provision has its own specific terminology. Gypsy and Traveller provision is expressed in ‘pitches’ on sites whereas Travelling Showpeople provision is expressed as ‘plots’ on sites often called a ‘yard’. Nationally, pitch/plot sizes range from 200 m2 to 500 m2. An upper measurement of 500 m2 has been used in the allocation of sites to allow final design to Sites will be designed to accommodate all of the requirements set out in design guidance, including landscaping, play space and access arrangements. Space haswill also been taken into account for equine grazing which is a much needed provision in York. Final pitch sizes will ultimately be a matter for detailed planning applications to determine.


Policy H5/H6 – delivery

Implementation: Planning applications and strategic site masterplans



Policy H7

See also Policy ED1 and ED5



Policy H10

See Policy GB4





Modification Reference

Proposed Modification

AM6.1   Paragraph 6.4

A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) bringing together all policies relating to health and wellbeing will be produced to support the Plan and delivery of York’s aspirations for healthy communities


Policy HW1: Protecting Existing Facilities

See also Policy H1 and T1



Policy HW2: new Community Facilities

See also Policy T1



Policy HW3: Built Sport Facilities

See also Policy ED9, T1



Policy HW3 explanation – paragraph 6.19

Built sports facilities as defined within the CYC Built Sports Facilities Strategy include swimming pools, tennis courts, artificial grass pitches for football and hockey, sports halls, indoor and outdoor bowls, specialist indoor facilities and specialist outdoor facilities. In addition, indoor tennis courts, multi-use games areas, alongside more specialist outdoor provision such as athletics tracks, golf courses and cycle tracks along with the associated supporting infrastructure (changing rooms, club house) would be considered to form built sports facilities .  

AM6.6   ;

Policy HW3 explanation – paragraph 6.21

The Council will support the development of new facilities where there is an identified need. Decisions on the need for new facilities will be based on the most-up-to-date Built Sports Facilities Strategy and other key evidence. The Council is developing a New Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for 2022 – 2032 and a Playing Pitch Strategy. Once formally published, these strategies will also inform the need for new facilities


Policy HW3 explanation – paragraph 6.25-26

The Council will work proactively to ensure that high-quality facilities are delivered, since the quality as well as the availability of facilities has been found to correlate with participation in physical activity. The Council has approved and supported the delivery of the Community Stadium at Monks Cross and the policy will enable delivery of other facilities that meet the existing and future needs of residents. 


Permission was granted in May 2012 for the York Community Stadium at Monks Cross. Detailed planning consent was approved in 2015 and a Section 73 application was approved in 2016 for some minor amendments. Construction is expected to be complete by the end of 2018. The stadium will provide a new home for both of York’s professional sports teams, York City Football Club and York City Knights Rugby League Football Club. The new development will provide new leisure facilities and opportunities for the wider community including a new swimming pool, outdoor 3G pitches and climbing facilities and a new gym, dance studio and fitness centre, which will also be used by NHS patients to help improve their rehabilitation. A new community hub will include an Explore Learning Centre; outpatient facilities for the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; the York NHS Training and Development Centre; and a new York Against Cancer Centre. The development will also provide a number of commercial facilities, including a state-of-the-art thirteen screen Imax cinema, two large retail units and five restaurants.


Policy HW4: Childcare Provision

See also Policy ENV2 and T1



Policy HW4 explanation – paragraph 6.29

The demand for childcare is dynamic and dramatic changes can take place over a short period of time. In September 2010, all three and four year olds became entitled to 15 hours per week of free early education, and in 2013, the Government introduced additional childcare entitlement for two year olds meeting certain criteria. A further increase in childcare entitlement for three and four year olds with working parents is expected from September 2017. This is likely to create even greater demand for childcare provision in the city.


Policy HW5: Healthcare Services

See also Policy T1


Policy HW5 explanation – paragraph 6.34

6.34a The Council will work closely with GPs and the NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (or any successor organisation) to understand the current and projected primary care needs of communities.


6.34b Secondary care refers to specialist health care, which typically depends on a referral from a primary care provider.


6.34c The Council will work closely with the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and with Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust (or any successor organisations), to understand their needs; help ensure their sites are fit for purpose; and enable them to provide safe, effective and sustainable healthcare, for the plan period and beyond. 


Policy HW6: Emergency Services

See also Policy T1



Policy HW6 explanation – paragraph 6.40

The Council will work closely with Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, North Yorkshire Police, and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, to ensure that their changing needs are understood. It is essential that…


Policy HW7: Healthy Places

See also Policies D1, D2, ENV2 and GI3



Policy HW7 explanation – paragraph 6.43

Helping people to be more active and walk more is a key priority for the city, and an integral part of tackling obesity and improving mental health (Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-22 or any subsequent updates).  



Policy HW7 explanation – paragraph 6.47

…This is a key to ensuring that health inequalities are not exacerbated. The Council will develop guidance for developers building on work by Public Health England and best practice from other Council’s.   supplementary planning guidance on the development and completion of HIAs and work with developers to produce this documentation




Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy ED1: University of York

See also Policy ED2, ED3 and H7



Policy ED2: Campus West

See also Policy ED1



Policy ED3: Campus East

See also Policy SS22, EC1 and ED1


Policy ED4: York St. John University Lord Mayor’s Walk Campus

See also Policy H7, ED5, D3, D4, D5, D6 and D10



Policy ED5: York St. John University Further Expansion

See also Policy H7, ENV2, ENV4, GI5 D2 and D4.


Policy ED5 explanation – paragraph 7.18

Development will be permitted at the allocated site in accordance with Policy H7 ‘Student Housing’ and will also need to ensure that those elements which contribute to the conservation area are not harmed.


Policy ED6: Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education

See also Policy ED8 and GI5.


Policy ED7: York College and Askham Bryan College

See also Policy ED1, ED2, ED3, ED4, ED5, H7 and GB1


Policy ED8: Community Access to Sports and Cultural Facilities on Education Sites

See also Policy CF2



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification



Para 8.3

Reference should also be made to the background studies referred to in Section 9 ‘Green Infrastructure’ and Section 10 ‘Approach to Managing Appropriate Development in the Green Belt’ and, where relevant, village design statements and neighbourhood plans. A cultural strategy for York has also been developed (York’s Creative Future, 2020-2025) is currently in development. 


Policy D1

See also Policy CC2 


Policy D1


Streets and Spaces 

8.8        Development proposals that provide opportunities to promote the enhancement of, or creation of, public space will be supported. Reference should be made to the council’s policies on public streets and spaces particularly ensuring that development proposals support the principles set out in the National Design Guide: Manual for Streets.  The Council’s City of York Streetscape Strategy and Guidance (2014) contains useful guidance, particularly relevant to York’s City Centre.  The use and enjoyment of streets and spaces…


Policy D1


Para 8.9

…For new landmarks and buildings that stand higher than the surrounding townscape to be considered acceptable they will normally be expected to have a particular high cultural significance or common value1. In addition,…


[1] Such as pertaining to cultural, religious or governmental uses rather than everyday uses such as residential.


Policy D1


Para 8.10

…For larger scale developments, where development is at a high level masterplan stage, there should be a clear vision of the type of place it aspires to become in sufficient detail to guide the direction of future plot build out proposals uUse of a design code setting out parameters may be required whilst providing enough flexibility for uncertain future conditions..


Policy D1


Para 8.11

…Current examples are Lifetime Neighbourhoods (DCLG); Building for Life Principles (Design Council) Building for a Healthy Life (Homes England); Urban Design Compendium (English Partnerships and The Housing Corporation); By Design (DETR & CABE); Conservation Principles Policies and Guidance (English Heritage) and the National Design Guide (MHCLG) to name a few. On culture and the arts…


Policy D1 Explanation

·         Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council; developers and English Heritage Historic England.

·         Implementation: Planning applications; and adopted/ publisheds council guidance such as Conservation Area Appraisals


Policy D2

See also Policy GI1, GI2 and GI3


Policy D2


Para 8.13

Where environmental impact assessments are required, the City of York Council will expect evidence based landscape assessments to follow the latest edition of the Landscape Institute’s Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. Background studies should also reference the most up to date Landscape Character Appraisal for York and English Heritage’s Historic England’s the Setting of Heritage Assets (2011) as well as conservation area appraisals…


Policy D3

See also Policy D1 and CF1


Policy D4


8.24        The ‘special interest’ (special qualities and significance) that justifiesA brief description of the reasons for designation of conservation areas designation is set out in designation statements prepared by the City of York Council… 

·                     Appraisals should be commissioned by the applicant in consultation with the Local Authority and carried out by appropriately qualified individuals or organisations following English Heritage Historic England guidelines... 


Policy D4

Explanation – paragraphs 8.25 and 8.26


8.25        The character of a conservation area is not only formed by buildings and spaces, but also by the land uses - the resultant activities, their characteristic patterns and forms and the ambience they create. It is important that applications ensure the special qualities and significance of the place are not harmed. Conversion schemes should seek to sustain characteristic uses and preserve or enhance architectural and historic character.  

Whilst it is the quality and interest of an area as a whole which is recognised through designation, it is often the cumulative impacts of small changes over time which erode the special qualities and significance of a place.  Where necessary, and with public support, Article 4 Directions will be introduced to help to control potentially damaging alterations. 


8.26        Whilst it is the quality and interest of an area as a whole which is recognised through designation, it is often the cumulative impacts of small changes over time which erode the special qualities and significance of a place.  Where necessary, and with public support, Article 4 Directions will be introduced to help to control potentially damaging alterations.  The character of a conservation area is not only formed by buildings and spaces, but also by the land uses - the resultant activities, their characteristic patterns and forms and the ambience they create. It is important that proposed changes of use identify opportunities for enhancement as well as ensuring the special qualities and significance of place are not harmed. Conversion schemes should respect the scale, proportion, material and detail of original character.  


Policy D4 – delivery

Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council, parish councils, major land owners and developers. .



Policy D5


8.28        Listed buildings are irreplaceable heritage assets which are recognised as being of special architectural or historic interest in the national context. They are identified on the National Heritage List for England held currently by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Buildings on the list enjoy statutory protection…


Policy D5



8.29       Applications should be supported by a heritage statement, prepared using appropriate expertise where necessary, which includes a statement of significance proportionate to the scale and nature of the proposed works, covering the following: 


·         analysis of the significance of the building relevant to the areas of proposed change. This should convey an understanding of the heritage value. It should be noted that the official list description is not a statement of significance (refer to Historic England’s Conservation Principles Policies and Guidance (2008) for further information); 

·         an assessment of the impact of development proposals on the special interest (significance and values) of the building;   

·         an explanation of why the proposed works are desirable or necessary; and 

·         where proposals wouldappear to cause harm to significant aspects of the building, why less harmful ways of achieving desired outcomes have been discounted or are undeliverable. The greater the harm the stronger the justification should be.  


Policy D5


8.30        Minor repairs to listed buildings do not require consent if they are carried out to a high standard of workmanship using materials and techniques that match the original. Repairs that would depart from this approach will usually require consent. Guidance from the Local Planning Authority should always be sought on the need for consent.


Policy D5 – delivery

Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council, Historic England, building owners and tenants and preservation trusts.



Policy D6


Para 8.31

…The vast majority of these archaeological deposits are of equivalent significance to scheduled ancient monuments. Within the historic core, substantial harm…


Policy D6


Para 8.32

… Where mitigation measures include physical excavation of deposits, provision must include adequate resources for excavation, analysis, publication, and archive deposition with the Yorkshire Museum. …


Policy D8

See also Policy GI and GI2



Policy D8



8.39        The City of York contains four six sites on Historic England’s register of historic parks and gardens. These are Museum Gardens (Grade II), Rowntree Park (Grade II), York Cemetery (Grade II*), The Retreat (Grade II), University of York Campus West designed landscape (Grade II). and T the grounds of Moreby Hall are also included in the register, a small portion of which lies within the City of York, but the vast majority of it lies within Selby District.  


8.40        Historic England must be consulted on development proposals that affect a Grade I or II* listed park or garden. The Gardens Trust Garden History Society should be given the opportunity to advise advice on development proposals that affect a registered park or garden of any grade. 


Policy D8


8.42        A number of other parks and gardens, both in private and public ownership, are undesignated but are considered to be locally important by way of their particular historic or design interest, and the contribution they make to the landscape quality and character of the area; such sites will be afforded protection under Policy D7.they are thus considered to be worthy of the same considerations.  


Policy D8 – delivery


Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council; developers and Historic England English Heritage.



Policy D9



8.43        The City of York HER is a database of designated and undesignated heritage assets in the City of York.  It includes over 6,000 records of archaeological monuments features and deposits, historic buildings, parks and gardens, and finds in York. The HER contains over 1,400 reports (‘grey literature’) on archaeological interventions and building recording; it includes historic maps, an extensive library of aerial photographs, photographs of buildings, national and local publications, including dissertations, conservation management plans, historic buildings assessments and other sources.  It also includes historic landscape characterisation data and an emerging, detailed historic character assessment of the area within the outer ring road.  Elements of the HER are accessible through City of York Council HER page andthe Heritage Gateway. website and online mapping of City of York Council. 



8.46        In order to ensure the sustainability (including the long-term curation, maintenance and enhancement) of the HER, City of York Council will levy charges on those using and depositing reports and other material with the HER. 


Policy D9


Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council; developers, Historic England English Heritage; community groups, academic researchers; students; and the general public.


Policy D10


8.49a York Walls are heritage assets of the highest significance and great weight will be given to their conservation. Any substantial harm or loss will require clear and convincing justification to demonstrate wholly exceptional circumstances.



Policy D10 – delivery

Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council; developers and Historic England English Heritage.


Policy D13

See also Policy D4 and D5



Policy D13



8.59      Advertisements should be designed and located to avoid conflict with the historic character and appearance of heritage assets including conservation areas or damage to historic fabric. For example, internally illuminated box signs will not be supported on buildings identified as heritage assets or in conservation areas because of their adverse impact on character and significance. In some streets, advertisements sign written directly onto the fascia remain the prevailing form, adding to the historic character of the area. In these locations, other forms of fascia signage will not be supported unless appropriate to the character of the host building.  Banners and high level signs will also not be supported. Exceptions may be made for temporary signs advertising special one-off or annual events which promote the city’s economy. Hanging signs, where appropriate, should generally be restricted to one on the each street frontage.


Policy D14



8.62      8.61        Solid roller shutters prevent out of hours window shopping, and can result in the appearance of a hostile environment which harms the amenity of the area, in additions to negating the value a shopfront itself makes to the visual interest of the street scene. 


8.62        In conservation areas or on buildings identified as heritage assets, security should be provided by laminated glass, secondary glazing or internal security film. Where internal see-through shutters are approved, shutter boxes should be positioned so as not to be visible form from the outside, and the design of the shutter must sit comfortably with the design of the shopfront.  



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy GI1: Green Infrastructure

See also Policy GI2, GI3, GI4, GI5, GI6, GB1, CC1 and ENV4


Policy GI1 explanation – paragraph 9.3

The Council will deliver a Green Infrastructure strategy in line with Policy GI1 and adopt this as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


Policy GI2: Biodiversity and Access to Nature

See also Policy D1, GI1, GI3, GI4, GI5, GI6, GB1, CC1 and ENV4



Policy GI2 explanation – paragraph 9.6

Bio-diversity mitigation and enhancement should be provided on site. Only in very exceptional circumstances, where the proposed development clearly outweighs the nature conservation value of the site and the impact on biodiversity is unavoidable, appropriate mitigation or compensation will be required. This should be achieved through planning conditions and obligations. Biodiversity offsets are measurable conservation outcomes resulting from actions designed to compensate for residual adverse impacts arising from a development after mitigation measures have been taken. The goal of biodiversity offsets is to achieve no net loss and preferably a net gain of biodiversity.

The Environment Act sets out a mandatory requirement for development to deliver at least a 10% biodiversity net gain. The provisions of the Act are subject to secondary legislation and development will need to comply with the regulations once it comes into force (expected November 2023). 

Net gains in biodiversity can be delivered by almost all development, by following the principles of the mitigation hierarchy and understanding the ecological constraints and opportunities from the early stages of design.

Net gain should deliver genuine additional improvements for biodiversity by creating or enhancing habitats in association with development. Improvements should go beyond any required mitigation and/or compensation measures following the application of the mitigation hierarchy


Policy GI3: Green Infrastructure Network

See also Policy GI1, GI2, GI4, GI5, GI6, GB1, CC1 and ENV4


Policy GI3 explanation – paragraph 9.9

This has the potential to improve the porosity of the urban area to wildlife and provide an attractive access network and environment. York’s green infrastructure network is shown on figure 3.2, which is informed by the Green Corridors Technical Paper (2011) and Base Study: Open Space and Green Infrastructure (2014) and Update (2017) prepared as part of the Local Plan’s evidence base.



Policy GI4: Trees and Hedgerows

See also Policy GI1, GI2, GI3, GI5, GI6, GB1, CC1 and ENV4


Policy GI5: Protection of Open Space and Playing Fields

See also Policy GI1, GI2, GI3, GI4, GI6, GB1, CC1 and ENV4 


Policy GI5 explanation – paragraph 9.15

Open spaces protected under this policy include areas that are designated as open    space on the proposals Policies Map. The Local Plan Evidence Base Study: Open Space and Green Infrastructure (2014) and Update (2017) (or the most up to date study) includes an assessment of sites identified on the proposals Policies Map.


Policy GI5 explanation – paragraph 9.16

There is a presumption against the loss of open space of environmental or recreational importance


Policy GI6: New Open Space Provision

See also Policy GI1, GI2, GI3, GI4, GI5, GB1, CC1 and ENV4


Policy GI6 explanation – paragraph 9.19

These are all shown on the proposals Policies Map.


Policy GI7: Burial and Memorial Grounds

See also Policy ENV4 and T1


Policy GI7 explanation

It is important that burial grounds are accessible and do not adversely affect the amenity of local residents…


Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy GB1

See also Policy GB2, GB3, GB4, D1, D2, GI1, GI2, GI3, GI4, GI5, GI6, H9, WM1, WM2 and CC1.



Policy GB1

Explanation – paragraph 10.2

10.2      Detailed boundaries of the Green Belt are shown on the proposals policies map. In defining these boundaries, care has been taken to follow readily recognisable physical features that are likely to endure.



Policy GB1

Explanation – paragraph 10.9

In special circumstances the development of affordable housing may be considered on small ‘exception’ sites.  Further details of these special circumstances are detailed in Policy GB4 2.



Policy GB1

Explanation – paragraph 10.12

There are advantages to permitting limited development and redevelopment of previously developed sites within the Green Belt provided development does not have a greater impact on Green Belt’s openness or the purposes of including land within it on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development. Where the sites are in existing use, limited infilling may help to provide jobs and secure economic prosperity such as at York Racecourse; Askham Bryan College; Harewood Whin; and Cliftongate Business Park.


Policy GB1

Explanation – paragraph 10.14

The Park & Ride is a key component of the city’s transport policies. In order to function effectively, Park & Ride facilities need to be located on or close to the major radial routes and are likely to be close to junctions with the Outer Ring Road (A64/A1237). It is acknowledged that in special circumstances Park and Ride sites may be located within the Green Belt.


Policy GB4

See also Policy SS1, GB1, GB2, H5, H6, H10, D1 and, D2 and T1.



Policy GB4


10.2218             Exception sites are used to enable communities to deliver affordable housing, in perpetuity, on sites which would not normally be permitted for housing. The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) (NPPF) makes clear that ‘limited affordable housing for local community needs under polices in a local plan’ is not inappropriate development.



10.2420 The policy allows a number of market homes to cross subsidise affordable housing provision where it can be justified as necessary to make an exception scheme viable, and if it can be demonstrated there is insufficient public subsidy available. This is in line with the NPPF. On sites where a proportion of the site is to be developed for market housing to provide cross subsidy, a detailed financial appraisal is required to demonstrate that the proportion of market housing proposed is the minimum required to ensure the viability of the scheme and that the value of the land is based on a realistic land value.




Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Paragraph 11.1

The policies contained with this section are central to fulfilling the aspirations of One Planet Council in relation to environmental sustainability the York Climate Change Strategy.


Policy CC1: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation and Storage

See also Policy DP2, CC2, SS5, SS6, SS7, SS8, GB1 and GI1


Policy CC1 explanation – paragraph 11.4

…The City of York Council Renewable Energy Study (2014) assessed the city’s potential for generating renewable energy and concluded that there is potential to generate renewable energy from a variety of available sources including wind, solar and hydro…


Policy CC1 explanation – paragraph 11.7

A Supplementary Planning Document will be produced in due course, including on safety requirements for storage sites.


Policy CC2: Sustainable Design and Construction of New Development

See also Policy DP2, CC1, SS5, SS6, SS7 and SS8


Policy CC2 explanation – paragraph 11.16

The new optional technical standard for water consumption


Policy CC2 explanation – paragraph 11.17

Yorkshire Water is classified as being under ‘moderate stress’ by the Environment Agency (in 2013 2021),


Policy CC3 explanation – paragraph 11.24


Where the policy refers to ‘communal heating/cooling networks’, this refers to systems that distribute heating and cooling to a number of dwellings within one building but do not use (C)CHP as their source (i.e. they do not include power generation). ‘Distribution networks’ are systems that connect two or more distinct buildings.


Policy CC3 explanation – paragraph 11.26


The UK Government’s hHeat and Building sStrategy (2021) outlines the significant role that (C)CHP could play in decarbonising the UK gas grid, offering a future-proofed, flexible and efficient solution to local energy supply. The Climate Change Action Plan for York also recognises that to achieve the ambitious 2020 city-level target of a 40% reduction in carbon emissions, and the 2050 target of the Climate Change Act 2008, new developments will need to maximise decentralised energy and CHP schemes.


Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy ENV1

See also: T1, T2, T5, T7 and T8



Policy ENV1


12.5      New development should support and contribute towards delivery of City of York Council’s Air Quality Action plan and contribute to the protections of human health by avoiding harmful emissions . Figure 12.1 overleaf shows York’s current Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). During the lifetime of the plan, areas of air quality concern may change and further AQMAs may need to be declared in the future.


Policy ENV1


Figure 12.1: Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) in York


Proposed replacement Figure 12:1, as below


Figure 12.1: Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) in York


Policy ENV4


12.30    The Council will apply the risk-based sequential test approach set out in the NPPF. However, it may also consider development of land in areas known to be at risk from any form of flooding, and will take a sequential risk-based approach to determining the suitability of land in such areas for development, to ensure that sites at little or no risk of flooding are developed in preference to areas at higher risk. The Council’s SFRA provides the basis for applying this test (and the exception test, as appropriate), to assess the vulnerability classification nature of the proposed development against its level of flood risk vulnerability and its compatibility with this vulnerability.

12.32     The level of detail provided within a flood risk assessment will depend on the scale of the development and flood risks posed. The Environment Agency’s flood risk matrix gives standing advice on the scope and extent of flood risk assessments. More detailed policies for determining a planning application within the resultant flood zone classification are contained in the SFRA (or its successor). G guidance on the preparation of a flood risk assessment is also available in the SFRA

12.35    Sufficient information is required to assess the flood risk and drainage impacts of any proposed development, guidance on the required information is contained in the SFRA and the emerging City of York Council Sustainable Drainage Guidance for Developers. As a minimum, all full planning applications submitted should include:


Policy ENV5


12.37     The current City of York SFRA (2013) SFRA (2021)seeks to restrict surface water runoff from new development to below the extant run-off rates. Further details of how to calculate existing runoff rates are contained in the SFRA and the emerging City of York Council Sustainable Drainage Guidance for Developers. The latest Defra climate change allowance guidance requires developers to assess the life of the development and its vulnerability over this time, developments in York will be required to provide between 15 and 50% increase in flood flows based on the likely climate change uplifts for the Humber River Basin District. Support is available in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and the emerging City of York Council Sustainable Drainage Guidance for Developers document in the interpretation of national climate change guidance.


12.38    Examples of SuDs are included in the emerging Sustainable Drainage Guidance for Developers document which links to wider guidance including:



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy WM1

See also Policy SS1, SS2, H1, D2, GB1, CC2, DM1 and WM2



Policy WM1


13.3       For municipal waste City of York Council works closely with North Yorkshire County Council through an Inter-Authority Agreement.  The councils have worked jointly to secure a waste treatment facility to divert biodegradable municipal waste from landfill. The facility at Allerton Waste Recovery Park (AWRP) at Allerton Park near Knaresborough is at an advanced stage of construction and is expected to be fully commissioned in early 2018.The new facility would reduce the amount of residual municipal waste going to landfill by a minimum of 95%. Following the completion of the AWRP and no other sites will be are required for the treatment of residual municipal waste arising in the City of York Council area in during the plan period.


13.4        The Minerals and Waste Joint Plan (2022), once finalised, will identify identifies suitable alternative capacity for municipal waste and suitable capacity for all other waste streams, as may be required during the lifetime of the Joint Plan. The priority to be given to the range of possible sites is set out in the Joint Plan. From a strategic viewpoint it is will also be important that facilities for waste prevention, re-use, recycling, composting and recovery are integrated in association with the planning, construction and occupation of new development for housing, retail and other commercial sites…


Policy WM2

See also: Policy SS1, SS2, D2, GB1, CC2 and DM1



Policy WM2



13.7        Mineral Safeguarding Areas are areas of known mineral resources that are of sufficient economic or conservation value to warrant protection for generations to come. The Minerals and Waste Joint Plan will identify identifies Mineral Safeguarding Areas and sets out policies to avoid sterilisation of such resources by non-mineral development. Similarly the Joint Plan will safeguards any facilities required for the storage, handling, processing and bulk transport of primary minerals and secondary and recycled materials, in line with the NPPF. 



13.9        There has been very limited interest expressed via the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan in relation to the exploration or development of mineral resources in York. The Minerals and Waste Joint Plan has examined the need for any provision across the Joint Plan area in detail and will allocates future sites or areas which reflect the evidence base and complies with national policy and guidance. In addition the Joint Plan will sets out policies to assess any future applications for minerals development.



Modification Reference

Proposed Modification


Policy T1


See also Policy DP3, D2, DM1 and ENV1



Policy T1


14.8 Guidance on the distance to public transport and the level of service provision for it to be considered high quality and accessible will be contained in a forthcoming ‘Sustainable Transport for Development’ Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


14.9 The frequency criteria for public transport (as stated in the SPD) shall generally apply for the peak-hours of movement to and from the development and, for non-residential development,


14.11 All development should be fully accessible to all groups within the community. However, pPeople with mobility impairments (including sensory impairment), are often precluded from playing a full and independent role in society by the inaccessibility of land, buildings, transport and other facilities.  Consequently, all development should be fully accessible to all groups within the community.    


14.12 Lack of sufficient safe, covered and convenient storage space for cycles in new development, particularly in residential development, can deter people from owning and using a cycle. Development will be expected to be in accordance with the advice contained in the Council’s ‘Sustainable Transport for Development’ SPD.   


14.13 The design of new car parks should take full account of the requirements of people with limited mobility. In particular, disabled parking bays should be located as close as possible to either the facility concerned or the principal pedestrian route from the car park, and sufficiently generous space must be provided at these bays to accommodate wheelchair users. Further details are contained in the Council’s ‘Sustainable Transport for Development’ SPD. 


14.14a The Council will provide further guidance for developers on the application of this policy in a Sustainable Transport for Development’ Supplementary Planning Guidance.


Policy T1


·         Implementation: Planning applications, developer contributions, City of York Council capital programme Network Rail Great British Railways investment programmes, train operating company investment programmes, and public transport operator service changes (commercial and contracted services).


Policy T2

See also Policy DM1



Policy T2


·         Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council; bus operators, Great British Railways Network Rail; train operating companies and developers. 

·         Implementation: Planning Applications, Developer Contributions, City of York Council Capital Programme, DfT and Devolution funding , Network Rail Great British Railways investment programmes, Train Operating Company investment programmes, and public transport operator service changes (commercial and contracted services). 


Policy T3


14.27    Network Rail’s Yorkshire and Humber Route Utilisation Strategy (2009) (RUS) forecast the future passenger demand levels and overall growth levels for the key markets. It predicted that the total number of passengers travelling to York will increase by 41% over the next 12 years (from 2009). However, since the publication of this RUS, Network Rail, working with the rail industry and wider stakeholders and partners, is required to plan for future use of and investment in the railway as part of the regulated Long Term Planning Process (LTPP)[1]. This process will determine the required railway outputs (e.g. frequency, journey time, capacity, punctuality etc.) and the investments required to deliver them. This will include changes to the network to adapt to new higher speed/ higher capacity rail services as they become available.


14.28    The Government has determined that the necessary capacity and quality improvements for future long distance north/south movements will be provided by a new high speed rail system - HS2. The proposed network would be Y-shaped, running from London to Birmingham then splitting in two, to run eastwards to Leeds and westwards Manchester with onward links to the existing ECML and West Coast Mainline respectively. When complete in 2033 it will provide a much faster connection to London and the continent for travellers from the Leeds City Region and the north of England and York will have a direct link with the new high speed line.  Prior to the implementation of HS2, new ‘Azuma’ Class 800 train sets (to replace ageing Inter-City 125 HST and IC225 train sets) are expected to start operating on the East Coast Main Line in 2018. Furthermore, in the 2016 Budget the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced the Government will allocate £60 million to develop options for Northern Powerhouse Rail between Leeds and Manchester, as well as options for improving other major city rail links. This is in addition to the Transpennine Route Upgrade between Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and York. 


14.29    The 9-car ‘Azuma’ class 800/1 trains that will operate on the ECML from 2018 and the hs2 train sets following-on will be longer and carry more passengers than the train sets for any of the passenger train services that currently call at York station. This, coupled with the likely overall increase in the number of trains calling at York, once all new services are in operation, requires sufficient capacity to be available at the station to accommodate all the trains calling at it, and the higher number of boarding and alighting passengers using these services. 



York Central14.32    Short term public transport interchange improvements at the station will be implemented through the current Better Bus Area Fund (BBAF) programme. The Plan will also support proposals to provide a new public transport turn around and interchange facility as part of a general package of measures to improve access at York Station in the medium-to-long-term.



Policy T3


·         Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council, Great British Railways Network Rail, train operating companies and developers. 

·         Implementation: Planning Applications, Developer Contributions, City of York Council Capital Programme, DfT and Devolution funding;


Policy T4

See also Policy SS4, SS13 and DM1



Policy T4


14.36    The £34.2m project to deliver capacity enhancements to the A1237 junctions has secured Gateway 1 (Outline Business Case) approval funding from West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). This project, due for completion by 2021/22 2023/24, will improve the through-flow of traffic across each junction and thereby improve the overall movement of traffic on the A1237- as already experienced in the vicinity of the A1237/A59 following the recent upgrade to the A59/A1237 junction - thus encouraging the transfer of cross-city private motor vehicle journeys away from radial routes through the city centre and its immediate surrounding area. This, in-turn, will enable complementary measures that encourage the use of more sustainable travel to be implemented on radial routes (including at junctions with the A1237) and other roads closer to the city centre. 


14.37    In the longer-term, as more developments come on-stream further enhancements to the A1237 will be necessary to provide substantial additional link capacity to cater for the projected increases in traffic. This additional link capacity will improve traffic flow and journey time reliability along it such that it will draw more cross-city traffic away from the radial routes and inner urban routes. On 3 August 2017 WYCA approved a bid by City of York to secure £295,000 to fund a pre-feasibility study to identify and evaluate options for upgrading the A1237 between the A64 at Askham Bryan and the A64 at Hopgrove to a dual carriageway. The outcome of this feasibility work will pave the way for a later bid by the council for money to dual the road as part of the Government’s Transport Investment strategy, published on 5 July 2017. 


14.38    The A64/A1079/A166 Grimston Bar junction is situated to the east of York’s urban area approximately 3.5 miles from the boundary with the East Riding of Yorkshire. A substantial amount of the inward commuting road traffic into the York authority area comes from the East Riding of Yorkshire and this junction is the focal point for the majority of this traffic, before it either continues into York or travels beyond York. Improvements to this junction will provide the capacity required to meet the increases in traffic demand arising from growth in York and the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Council is working with National Highways England and other relevant local authorities, including East Riding of Yorkshire Council, to reduce congestion and identify mitigation measures along the A64 corridor, including the Grimston Bar junction. 


Policy T4 – delivery

·               Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council, National England Highways, Bus Operators, Network Rail, Great British Railways, and developers 

·               Implementation: Planning Applications, Developer Contributions, City of York Council Capital Programme, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Capital Programme,  and National Highways programmes  


Policy T5

See also Policy T1, SS4 to SS13, SS16, SS18 to SS20, SS22 to SS23 and DM1



Policy T5



14.40    Actively encouraging individuals to undertake journeys by cycle or on foot, has the potential to reduce congestion by removing some vehicles from the roads, particularly for short journeys. It can contribute to economic performance by improving the health of employees, (as well as children attending school) and help reduce social exclusion by making more facilities accessible to non-car users. Cycling can make a major contribution to improving the health of participants whether they are travelling to school, work or for leisure. Therefore, the Council has and is continuing to develop a comprehensive network of safe and accessible strategic cycle and pedestrian routes, principally to connect residential areas with employment areas and retail areas as well as other facilities and services, which will be developed through York’s LCWIP, which is currently being researched. In some cases these routes are intended to connect strategic sites and other sectors of the city with the city centre. For example, the proposed new landmark River Foss pedestrian/cycle bridge envisaged to be delivered as part of the York Castle Gateway (‘Castle Gateway’) major regeneration area of the city centre which will improve pedestrian and cycle flow throughout the area and in to the wider city. It will also connect with new routes along one or both banks of the River Foss, also envisaged to be delivered as part of Castle Gateway that will, themselves, have connections to the wider pedestrian and cycle route network.


14.41    The strategic cycle route improvements for delivery over the short-term and medium-term have also been prioritised within the Council’s Capital Programme using the Council’s Strategic Cycle Route Network Evaluation and Prioritisation Methodology and are detailed further in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


14.42    Delivery of the strategic cycle and pedestrian network in the longer-term is expected to be through contributions or obligations associated with the realisation of larger development opportunities toward the end of the Local Plan period, as well as CYC’s capital programme, devolution funding and DfT grants.  



14.43    Local routes will be retained and enhanced, as appropriate, within or as part of new development in accordance with Policy T1 ii) to vi).


14.43a  These interventions will be enabled through strategic projects led by the Council and National Highways where required to mitigate development impacts, through developer contributions associated with strategic site allocations as identified in Section 3 of this Plan and from other developments in line with Policy DM1.  More detail with regard to how pedestrian and cycle improvements are to be funded and delivered is contained in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.  



Policy T5



·           Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council,  National Highways England, Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, York North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership, Great British Railways, train operating companies and developers, SUSTRANS, Active Travel England. 



Policy T6


See also Policy H2



Policy T6



14.44    This policy recognises that development in the vicinity of operational public transport facilities, particularly transport hubs or interchanges, enables more sustainable trips to be made on the radial and orbital public transport networks, and provides local and sub regionally-significant centres for shopping, employment, entertainment and other amenities. It also acknowledges that any future development needs to ensure that it does not have a detrimental impact on or prejudice transport operations within the vicinity of the development, including the safe operation of level crossings.


14.45    The second part of this policy aims to protect disused public transport corridors and facilities to allow for the possibility of returning them to their former use, or for new uses such as footpaths, cycleways, or bridleways or wildlife corridors because once such a resource has been lost it is unlikely to ever be recovered. Any planning applications for d Development on or affecting a disused public transport corridor should be accompanied by an assessment in order to establish whether there is any reasonable prospect of the corridor being brought back into use, and identify potential extensions into and through the development sites to maximise the use of the existing corridor.



Policy T6 – Delivery

·         Key Delivery Partners: City of York Council, Great British Railways, Network Rail, train operating companies, Sustrans and developers…



Policy T7

See also Policy T1, SS4, SS9 to SS13, SS15, SS17, SS19, SS20, SS22 and ENV1



Policy T7


14.47    A TA Transport Assessment is a comprehensive and systematic process that sets out transport issues relating to a proposed development. It identifies what measures will be taken to deal with the anticipated transport impacts of the scheme and to improve accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly for alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling and public transport, principally through the implementation of a TP Travel Plan.  


14.48    The NPPF states that a TS Transport Statement or TA Transport Assessment should support all developments that generate significant amounts of movement. This ensures that the full transport impacts of any proposal are assessed and understood, allowing for the appropriate mitigation measures to be implemented. 


(14.49   - see main modifications)


14.50    A TP Travel Plan is a strategy for reducing travel demand in order to minimise the number of motor vehicles visiting a development. It should consider the traffic implications of journeys to and from the development and may cover issues including, but not limited to the following: 


·                     setting targets for travel by means other than the private car; 

·                     awareness raising, education and marketing; 

·                     reducing the need to travel; 

·                     incentivising the use of more sustainable forms of transport; 

·                     measures to support walking, cycling and the use of public transport; 

·                     measures to support the use of lower emission vehicles; 

·                     integrating parking with measures that encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport; 

·                     personalised travel planning; and 

·                     minimising the impact of traffic in residential areas that would otherwise suffer loss of amenity due to increases in traffic arising from the development. 


14.51    TPs must also demonstrate how they are to be monitored and how mitigation measures can be increased if the plan falls short of its objectivesA Travel Plan will be required for all development subject to a full transport assessment where there are high trip generating characteristics (typically 30 or more peak hour trips).


14.52    Where strategic site developments are in close proximity, developers should liaise with the Council and Highways England, as necessary, to establish whether a joint master travel management plan may be required. 



Policy T8

See also Policy ENV1 and T7



Policy T8


14.53    The management and control of car parking spaces are essential components of an effective transport strategy. Parking control by both capacity and price has historically been, and will continue to be, used in York, where city centre charges are used to encourage long-stay parking at Park & Ride sites or other more peripheral car parks and to support the local bus services. The Council will continue to support affordable access for short-term business and personal trips that are essential to the economy of the city. At the same time further work will be initiated to provide more designated spaces for lower emission vehicles in city centre car parks, to try and improve air quality in the heart of York.


14.54    The NPPF sets out a range of issues that should be taken into account for setting local parking standards. The York Parking Strategy Review established that York’s Parking Standards ‘considered to be appropriate and in accordance with NPPF’.  


14.55    Development will be expected to comply with the Parking Standards that will be set

out in the ‘Sustainable Transport for Development’ SPDCity of York Council’s latest published Parking Standards guidance; these will be incorporated into the forthcoming  that will be set out in the ‘Sustainable Transport for Development’ SPD. These may be amended to suit local conditions (in relation to a development’s location, proximity to high quality accessible public transport, pedestrian and cycle routes and services and facilities) if it can be demonstrated that such amendments (including for cycle parking) covering, but not limited to, those listed below are appropriate: 


·                     number of spaces; 

·                     general design and layout; and  

·                     safety, security and weather protection. 


14.56    For development proposals requiring a travel plan, the submitted travel plan will need to ensure that it integrates parking with measures that encourage use of more sustainable forms of transport. 


14.57    The types of demand management measures that could be considered to reduce congestion, improve public transport journeys, ease pedestrian and cycle access to, within and through the development and improve the streetscape include, but are not limited to 


·                     measures to minimise private vehicle trips/car ownership, such car clubs

·                     vehicular access restrictions;  



Policy C1

See also Policy ENV2 and D2



Policy C1


14.68    The provision of and access to ultrafast and future-proof connectivity is now an essential, and a key enabler for the UK’s Industrial Strategy, that is being supported by Government programmes and other initiatives. More specifically, one of the Government initiatives aims to enable everybody in the UK to access broadband speeds of at least two megabits per second and 95% of the UK to receive far greater speeds, (at least 24 Mbps), by 2017. In addition the European Commission, through the Digital Agenda for Europe, anticipates 100% coverage of 30Mbps broadband or more by 2020 and that over 50% of households will have a subscription to broadband connection in excess of 100Mbps. Future development provides an ideal opportunity for the Council and other organisations to expand and continue the development of York’s world-class ultrafast connectivity and it is vital to offer high-speed internet access as York continues to be promoted as a vanguard ‘Digital City’. York must also address the growing need for City's transport network to have high speed connectivity. York intends to retain its position as a leader in this area by ensuring appropriate data connectivity is available throughout the existing road network and is included where new roads and transport infrastructure are provided to meet the challenge the city will face with the advent of new technologies. This includes the use of ducting, street furniture and on-premise masts. 


14.69    Various changes have been made to Electronic Communications Code 3 in England, to support the rollout of fixed broadband in all areas, apart from Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The changes to the Code are designed to help speed up the deployment of superfast broadband and reduce uncertainty and delays for communications providers, and will expire in 2018. The change introduced “a more permissive regime” for installation of above ground fixed-line broadband electronic communications apparatus, and removed the requirement for prior approval by planning authorities for broadband cabinets and poles in protected areas.  


14.70    Further changes to planning in England have also been made to support 4G rollout in non-protected areas including extending and widening existing masts, permitting larger and taller antennas and small cell antennas. Specific changes for protected areas saw the addition of an allowance of three antennas to masts and dish antennas to existing masts, as well as small cell antennas. Two codes of best siting practice have also been published to complement the statutory changes. 


Planning obligations may be used to ensure that new sites are available for future mast sharing subject to technical and operational constraints. Reforms to the Electronic Communications Code, made through the Digital Economy Act 2017, will further encourage the simplification of the process for installing or upgrading digital infrastructure. The rapid pace of technological change within the industry means that fewer installations may be required in the future and so i It is important that redundant installations are removed and the site fully restored (including aftercare). Such obligations may also be used to require the expeditious removal of equipment and installations once they cease to be operational.  


The Council will seek the removal and relocation of any visually intrusive masts particularly in the city centre, as and when the opportunity arises. A planning condition or obligation as appropriate will be used to implement the removal of redundant masts or other communications equipment, where appropriate. 





Modification Reference

Proposed Modification 


Policy DM1 explanation – paragraph 15.17

Travel times on these routes are (with some exceptions) forecast to increase against the 2019 base, although in many cases the “with Local Plan” 2033 outcome is better than the outcome of a more randomised pattern of development, demonstrating the value of the Local Plan in formalising a spatial distribution for York’s development. However, Tthe council will, therefore, work with developers and other organisations to deliver higher levels of investment in transport infrastructure and services, over and above that which is…


Policy DM1 explanation – paragraph 15.18

Strong emphasis will be placed on providing improvements to public transport and more active forms of transport, particularly as access to these forms of transport were key considerations in determining the accessibility of sites for their allocation within the plan via the Sustainability Appraisal process. However, it is also acknowledged that major enhancements to the highway network are will also likely to be necessary to manage congestion and delay in York. 


Policy DM1 explanation – paragraph 15.20

… Extensive viability testing has been undertaken to demonstrate that the local plan, as a whole, is viable - as are the individual allocations.


Table 15.2 New Indicator (Section 2: Vision and Development Principles)

SS19: Queen Elizabeth Barracks, Strensall 


Table 15.2 New Indicator (Section 5: Housing) H1: Housing Allocations

Delivery of a minimum of 867 822 dwellings per annum. 

AM15.6              Table 15.2 New Indicator (Section 5: Housing) H6: Travelling Showpeople

Delivery of 2 4 Travelling Showpeople plots in years 2016-21 and 1 plot in the period 2032.

AM15.7              Table 15.2 New Indicator (Section 5: Housing) H10: Affordable Housing

Delivery of Affordable Housing in residential schemes for two five or more dwellings at the target percentage levels set out for  site thresholds in the policy. 


Table 15.2 New Indicator (Section 9: Green Infrastructure)

No adverse increase in recreational pressure on Strensall Common SAC, Lower Derwent Valley SPA and Skipwith Common SAC. 



Table 15.2 New Indicator (Section 9: Green Infrastructure)

Change in visitor numbers at, and condition of, Strensall Common SAC, Lower Derwent Valley SAC and Skipwith Common SAC.




Modification Reference

Proposed Modification 

AM16.1 Glossary of Terms (Affordable Housing)

Affordable housing should include provisions to remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative affordable housing provision.

AM16.2 Glossary of Terms

Ancient woodland: An area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600 AD. It includes ancient semi-natural woodland and plantations on ancient woodland sites (PAWS).

AM16.3 Glossary of Terms

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR): Part of the Local Development Framework, the Annual Monitoring Report will assess the implementation of the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which policies in Local Development Documents are being successfully implemented. Authority Monitoring Report (AMR): The Authority Monitoring Report will assess the implementation of the Local Plan and the extent to which policies are being successfully implemented.

AM16.4 Glossary of Terms (Brownfield Sites/Location)

Previously developed land that is, or was, occupied by a permanent structure (excluding agricultural or forestry building) and associated fixed surface infrastructure. See definition of previously developed land.

AM16.5 Glossary of Terms

Economic Development Employment generating/business uses: Development, including those within the B B2, B8 and E(g) Use Classes, public and community uses and main town centre uses and but excluding housing development).

AM16.6 Glossary of Terms

Exception Sites: Small sites used for affordable housing in perpetuity where sites would not normally be used for housing. Exception sites seek to address the needs of the local community by accommodating households who are either current residents or have an existing family or employment connection. Small numbers of market homes may be allowed at the local authority’s discretion, for example where essential to enable the delivery of affordable units without grant funding.

AM16.7 Glossary of Terms

Greenhouse Gases (GHG): A group of gases that absorb solar radiation, storing some of the heat in the atmosphere. The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, and ozone. Other greenhouse gases include, but are not limited to: methane, nitrous oxidehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrous_oxide, sulphur hexafluoride, and chlorofluorocarbons.

AM16.8 Glossary of Terms (Gypsies and Travellers)

temporarily or permanently, but excluding members of an organised group of travelling showpeople or circus people travelling together as such.

AM16.9 Glossary of Terms (Gypsy and Traveller Pitch)

three multiple

AM16.10              Glossary of Terms

High Frequency Bus Service: a bus service operating every 15 minutes (or more frequently) during the Monday to Friday daytime.

AM16.11              Glossary of Terms

Historic Environment/Heritage Assets: A building, monument, site, place, area of or landscape having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest. This includes designated heritage assets and those non-designated assets identified by the Local Authority.

AM16.12              Glossary of Terms

LCWIP: Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.  A plan, required by Department for Transport which sets out a local transport authority’s priorities for improving/ investing in its local walking and cycling networks.

AM16.13              Glossary of Terms

Local Plan: A document which, forms part of the Development Plan for a specified area. The Local Plan consists of a Written Statement and a Proposals Policies Map. It sets out detailed policies and proposals for the development and use of the land within the District. Local Plans are prepared by local planning authorities at District level, following statutory procedures, including public consultation exercises and if necessary, a Local Plan Inquiry.

AM16.14              Glossary of Terms

Local Development Framework (LDFs): The portfolio of Local Development Documents introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004). It is now largely superseded by the Local Plan, Minerals and Waste Plan and relevant made Neighbourhood Plans. The portfolio also comprises Development Plan Documents such as the Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Documents such as Supplementary Planning Documents and other documents such as the Local Development Scheme and Annual Monitoring Reports. These documents remain complementary to the Local Plan, or will be complementary to it once prepared/adopted.

AM16.15              Glossary of Terms (Local Transport Plan)

Tthe last round of 5-year LTPs were published in 2011 and since then local authorities have been required to keep them under review.  New Local Transport Plans are likely to be prepared in 2024/5.

AM16.16              Glossary of Terms

Neighbourhood Development Order: An Order made by a local planning authority (under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) through which parish councils and neighbourhood forums can grant planning permission for a specific development proposal or classes of development.

AM16.17              Glossary of Terms (Neighbourhood Plans)

designated particular

AM16.18              Glossary of Terms (Out of centre)

Proposals Policies


Policies /Proposals Map: illustrates on a base map, (reproduced from, or based upon a map to a registered scale) all the policies contained in the Local Plan, together with any saved policies.  It must be revised each time each new Local Plan is adopted, and it should always reflect the up-to-date planning strategy for the area.  Proposals for changes to the adopted proposals policies map accompany the submitted Local Plan in the form of a submission proposals policies map.

AM16.20              Glossary of Terms (RAMSAR)

There are presently 151 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1593 wetland sites, totalling 134.7 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.

AM16.21              Glossary of Terms (Showpeople)

or permanently.

AM16.22              Glossary of Terms (Showpeople Plot)

 pitch plot will provide space for a mobile home and touring caravan and space for maintenance of fairground rides and storage of equipment.

AM16.23              Glossary of Terms (Sites of Imporance for Nature Conservation (SINC))

by Local Authorities to identify high quality wildlife sites in York. To be designated in York the site must meet the criteria set out in the North Yorkshire SINC Guidelines and be assessed by the North Yorkshire SINC Panel, which is made up of a range of local experts. Recommendations are made to City of York Council, which then designates the site. There is no legal requirement or restrictions

AM16.24              Glossary of Terms (Special Area of Conservation (SAC))

SACs are areas which have been given special protection under the European Union’s Habitats Directive. They provide increased protection to a variety of wild animals, plants and habitats and are a vital part of global efforts to conserve the world’s biodiversity. Areas defined by regulation 3 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 which have been given special protection as important conservation sites.

AM16.25              Glossary of Terms (Special Protection Areas (SPA))

The Government is bound by the European Communities Council Directive of April 1979 on the Conservation of Wild Birds. Under this directive the Government has to designate Special Protection Areas to conserve the habitat of certain rare or vulnerable birds (listed under the directive) and regularly occurring migratory birds. It has to avoid any significant pollution or disturbance to or deterioration of these designated sites. Areas classified under regulation 15 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 which have been identified as being of international importance for the breeding, feeding, wintering or the migration of rare and vulnerable species of birds.

AM16.26              Glossary of Terms (Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI))

Sites of Special Scientific Interest are notified by English Nature because of their plants, animals, or geological or physiographical features. Most SSSIs are privately owned or managed. About 40% are owned or managed by public bodies such as the Forestry Commission, Ministry of Defence and The Crown Estate, or by the voluntary conservation movement. Sites designated by Natural England under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

AM16.27              Glossary of Terms (Strategic Sites)

all sites allocated on the Policy Map with ST** and identified within Table 5.1 or Policy EC1 are considered to be strategic sites. New Strategic Sites excludes those that are part complete.

AM16.28              Glossary of Terms (Sui Generis)

shops locations

AM16.29              Glossary of Terms (Use Class)

For instance, A1 is classified as shops and B1 is classified as business etc..

AM16.30              Glossary of Terms

Veteran trees: A veteran tree is a survivor that has developed some of the features (and therefore habitats) found on an ancient tree, not necessarily as a consequence of time, but of its life or environment.