Issue - decisions

Corporate Energy and Environmental Activity Update

09/04/2018 - Corporate Energy and Environmental Activity Update

Resolved:  (i)      That the progress made in delivering the CRSM, the ongoing alignment with the emerging Leeds City Region Energy Plan, and the plans to refresh the carbon baseline in 2019/20, be noted.      


Reason:     To confirm that the Executive Member is aware of the progress being made and able to scrutinise performance in this area.


                   (ii)      That a further report be brought to the Executive Member, providing detailed plans on targets and outcomes for carbon savings and plans for future work in this area, including reference to the work by the Leeds City Region’s Energy Accelerator.


Reason:     To ensure that the delivery of the council’s plans can be monitored and that York can benefit from the funding awarded to LCR for this work.


                   (iii)     That details be provided of how the council can support York Community Energy in schemes to increase renewable power in the city.


Reason:     To provide clarity to YCE in creating their business case for these schemes.


                   (iv)    That clearer reference be made to this work on the council’s website.


Reason:     So that residents can be fully informed.



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