Issue - decisions

Proposed Enhancements to the University Road Pedestrian Crossing and Cycle Route Scheme

10/09/2015 - Proposed Enhancements to the University Road Pedestrian Crossing and Cycle Route Scheme

Resolved:  (i)      That the following additions to the scheme be

                             approved subject to a six month trial:

·        Two extra pairs of speed cushions with central islands, as shown in Annex B of the report, to make the 20mph Zone more effective.

·        A new crossing refuge located at the speed table near the bus stops, as shown in Annex C of the report, to increase pedestrian safety in the busiest crossing location.


(ii)      That it be noted that officers are currently working with the University to encourage greater use of the new cycle path.  This involves installing various additional direction signs, plus extra signs and markings at all the entry points to make the status of the path more obvious, and publicising the facility to students.


(iii)     That the Executive Member confirmed acceptance of the University’s view that the provision of an additional set of steps to the footbridge on the Market Square side of University Road is unnecessary, and noted the University’s financial contribution to the scheme.


Reasons:   (i)      The additional measures will improve the

safety of all road users, in particular university students crossing University Road, and encourage greater use of the new cycle route.


                   (ii)      It is considered that the provision of additional

                             steps to the Library footbridge is not necessary.


(iii)     The University has offered to contribute extra funding to improve the scheme.


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