Issue - decisions

Riverbank Repairs: River Ouse, Scarborough to Clifton Bridge

03/02/2009 - Riverbank Repairs: River Ouse, Scarborough to Clifton Bridge

RESOLVED: (i)         That the report, and the fact that funding for the work for 2009/10 will be considered as part of the overall Capital Programme which will come to Executive on 16 February 2009 and to Full Council on 26 February 2009, be noted.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that funding considerations for future years will need to be addressed as part of the future capital programme reviews.


REASON:      For information, and to ensure that the matter is addressed within the capital programme in this and future years.


                        (iii)       That an update report on general flood related matters be provided to the Executive, to include proposals from the Environment Agency for flood prevention measures in the City, application of the Local Levy, and the impact of climate change as factored into the Ouse Flood Risk Management Strategy.


REASON:      To set the riverbank repairs in a broader framework and to inform future planning in respect of these issues.


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