Issue - decisions
Thriving City Report Back
21/10/2008 - Thriving City - Report Back
RESOLVED:(i) That detailed project plans be presented to the Executive at their meeting on 4 November 2008 for each of the following:
a) Match funding of the £50,000 provided by Norwich Union to establish an enterprise fund to support new business start ups;
b) In principle support for enterprise training within schools to be developed with NYBEP and Young Enterprise up to £10,000;
c) Support to sustain the activities of the City Centre Partnership up to £20,000;
d) Investment of an additional £3,500 for production of an updated ‘York on a Budget’ booklet, with the booklet to be approved by the Economic Development Unit;
e) Investment of £9,800 to provide three Credit Union community saving points in those communities most in need;
(ii)That further updates be received on York’s economic climate and assessment of the effectiveness of actions initiated as a result of the report;
(iii) That the following be dealt with as part of the Council’s annual review of grant applications:
a) Investment of £26,500 for the recruitment of an additional CAB advice worker to accelerate the implementation of the Gateway client handling and referral system;
b)Investment of £20,000 (£4,500 already identified) for the recruitment of a person to initiate and co-ordinate the York smartcard scheme and consideration of the implications for sustainability of funding after year one.
REASON: To respond to the impact of the changing economic situation.