Agenda item

Street Works – Changing from Noticing to a Permitting Scheme

The Corporate Director of Housing, Economy & Place to present a report which seeks approval to introduce a permit scheme to govern all utility and highway works activities within the council’s highways network, in order to achieve improvements to these activities and comply with the Department of Transport’s request that all highways authorities move to a permit scheme.



Resolved:  (i)      That Option A be approved and the proposed permit scheme, fee levels and implementation set out in Annexes A, B and F to the report be adopted.


                   (ii)      That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Housing, Economy & Place, in consultation with the S151 Officer and the Director of Governance or her delegated officers, to implement future changes to the scheme and associated fees.



·        To improve City of York Council’s ability to manage applications to work on its road network, including the ability to refuse applications, enabling the council to better meet its Network Management Duty;

·        to reduce disruption on the road network and delays for all road users; and

·        to encourage a greater emphasis on safety on street and road works sites through an enhanced site inspection regime.



The Assistant Director of Transport, Highways & Environment presented a report which sought approval to introduce a permit scheme to govern all utility and highway works activities within the council’s highways network, in order to achieve improvements to these activities and comply with the Department of Transport’s request that all highways authorities move to a permit scheme.


The report followed feasibility work undertaken in 2019 and statutory consultation on a proposed permit scheme between August and October 2020.  Three options were available, as set out in paragraphs 9-12 of the report and summarised below:

Option A – approve the proposed scheme, fee levels and team structure set out in Annexes A, B and F. This was the recommended option.

Option B – ask officers to develop a different scheme for consultation. Not recommended, as it would cause delay and potentially increase costs / provide a reduced service;

Option C – remain a noticing authority. Not recommended as it could result in a scheme being imposed and would provide no additional income to fund street works.


Resolved:  (i)      That Option A be approved and the proposed permit scheme, fee levels and implementation set out in Annexes A, B and F to the report be adopted.


                   (ii)      That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Housing, Economy & Place, in consultation with the S151 Officer and the Director of Governance or her delegated officers, to implement future changes to the scheme and associated fees.



·        To improve City of York Council’s ability to manage applications to work on its road network, including the ability to refuse applications, enabling the council to better meet its Network Management Duty;

·        to reduce disruption on the road network and delays for all road users; and

·        to encourage a greater emphasis on safety on street and road works sites through an enhanced site inspection regime.


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