Agenda item

2nd Quarter Finance and Performance Monitoring Report

This report analyses the latest performance for 2018/19 and forecasts the financial outturn position by reference to the service plans and budgets for all of the services falling under the responsibility of the Corporate Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care.


Members received the Quarter 2 Finance and Performance report for Health, Housing and Adult Social Care. Officers informed the committee that their main concern was a projected overspend of £586k in Adult Social Care and highlighted that there had been a slight under spend in Housing due to staff vacancies.


Members questioned officers on the projected overspend for the Personal Support Service and how this was being managed. Officers informed the committee that the service had been looking at staffing needed for the service especially due to the expansion of the Older Persons Accommodation Programme. Officers also stated that the service had recently invested in a piece of software called RotaCloud in an attempt to increase efficiency and free up time for team leaders.


In response to Members questions, officers highlighted an on-going piece of work that is looking into why there has been a reduction in the recovery of unused payments.


Members questioned officers on the level of Delayed Transfers of Care and non-elective admissions to York Hospital. Officers explained that there was a programme of work on-going to help prevent people from being admitted to hospital and that this combined with the work being done alongside Be Independent and Yorkshire Ambulance was playing an important part in reducing these numbers.


In response to Members questions relating to an increase in the number of completed safeguarding cases,  Officers explained that the numbers of cases entering the system and being completed, during a fixed period of time, were similar. This shows the service is efficiently handling it’s caseload. Officers also noted an important piece of work underway by Healthwatch regarding a person’s journey through the safeguarding system, which will in turn help guide the future approach.


Members questioned the absence of comparative quarterly statistics from other local authorities with similar demographics. Officers explained that many other local authorities do not publish statistics quarterly and that it was much easier to do end of year comparisons when statistics are published nationally.


In response to Member questions on targets, officers explained that an increase in claimants receiving direct payments would be seen as a positive as long as it is handled in the right way, highlighting Future Focus’ importance. Officers stated that there were no official targets.


With regards to Drug and Alcohol Treatment services, Members questioned the usefulness of certain performance indicators and officers agreed, stating that part of the re-commissioning of this service included looking at a more peer support orientated approach.


Officers highlighted that there was a short term financial pressure associated with using a small number of private sector places for people needing care home accommodation. In response to this, the Council had been investing in the Older Persons’ Accommodation Scheme. Officers also highlighted that the Independent Care Group were looking at the cost of care and whether it can be sustainable for providers and ensure the Council receives market value.


Members asked for an update on the potential development of the Oakhaven site. Officers stated that:


-      A preferred bidder had been identified

-      There had been plans submitted but there were issues around size

-      They were looking at ways to resolve this and were negotiating with the provider

-      Should this option not move forward there were other providers interested


Members questioned the reason for budget pressure within the area of Supported Living for Learning Disability. Officers stated that many Councils were seeing pressures in this area with the complexity of needs that are present. In addition officers spoke of the increasing costs in provision of supported living and the cost of ‘voids’, where people with compatible needs have not been found and spaces have been left vacant.


Members questioned officers on the strategy for smoking cessation with pregnant women, as numbers were high. Officers agreed with Members’ concern and explained that while it was a national and regional priority, work was needed to identify how this could be challenged locally.


Finally, Members highlighted to officers the importance of including details of the actions relating to the mitigation of overspends, it was noted that without the detail of the steps being taken by  present in a report, there was very little to scrutinise. Officers took this on board and agreed to include more detailed actions in future reports.


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